darn my tinkled ivories (aka dental redux)

Jun 14, 2012 11:28

- and curse my artificially horror filled childhood!

Honestly, given my now in-growing toneage, the loss of a crown, or a tooth - hell, teeth even! - should hardly come as a shock any more... but alas, horror-film addict as i was in my formative daze , my reaction is more one of - well, "AIIIEE!"

as yet again i go through the (inevitably slow) motions of:

- uh,oh, something went crunch i reckon

*heads for bathroom* *begin cueing ominous music now*

- hmmph...

*cut to close up of sink, then mouth, then hand, then mouth, then sink, then - oh repeat as required given unnecessary length of music*


*close up of tooth in sink*
*agonizingly slow reveal from sink to behind head to face looking up reluctantly into mirror and-*

We've all seen that movie right? And most of us too many times. But no matter how over-used, cheap and cheesy, my brain just rolls them fat old clichés right out and reacts the same way every time.

*ominous music again*

Oh stop that! Losing a tooth to gain a soundtrack, what kind've a lousy deal is that? Especially when all that stuff sounds like Supermarket Dash now anyway.

Oh well, i'll keep the crown (about half a tooth to be accurate), maybe i'll put a birthday candle on it and keep it for Halloween or, better yet, use it to raise an army of skeletons to take down the evil Wrigley Corporation one member at a time... 
*evil laugh*
because, you know, i BLAME THE GUM!!!!!!!


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