time and the frakking rich text editor

Jan 03, 2012 06:58

So, anyway, talking of Time, which we weren't but hey,
give a little lassitude to the laxitude i always say.

or do i?

see, that's the problem with Time, that old ticking pandora's paradox box, maybe i say laxitude NOW because i didn't say it THEN but i thought it up later sometime WHEN.
and then changed it.
you see?

so, yesterday i WAS talking Time, (but no Conways), with a good and musical chum, over the obligatory coffee or ten.
my friend is much amused by the idea of paradoxes - for example; take J.B. Priestley, (still sans Conways). An Inspectors Calls -

or does he?

considering he cuts out in something of a strop, the inspectorous agent of Time might well decide the whole thing wasn't worth the bother - stuff the lot of 'em and their swanky no good ways - and, since he IS an agent of Time, he simply goes back and tells himself to take the day off and check out some nice cricket or something instead. 
or does he?

because, as it turns out, tired of being constantly hammered in the nets and then having to read all about it in the press, one of the teams has gone back and told themselves to try Bingo for a change and the coach for Blackpool leaves in an hour.
or does it?
because -

you see what i mean - it's mind-boggling stuff when you get down to it. Time takes a cigarette - it also takes the proverbial.

so, a gentle request - any and all time paradoxes, feel free to leave them in the comments box.
i'd be interested to read...

meanwhile, my current, and most definitely temporal-related, scribble marches on (and on) but to those who believe (like Charlie BZ does) that i am a fast doyen of the typing, i say "NO!"

and here is the poof - vintage 2009. and yes - it will seem like bloody deja vu to you too:

yes, it is taking a while.
so it goes.

paradoxes, j.b. priestley, scribbling, the tunnel, madness is mad madness, uncle tom cobblers and all, time within time, self referential ego wank, i hate the rte

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