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aliasse June 1 2009, 20:58:44 UTC
Love it. So atmospheric. Full of mystery and moments of crytal clarity. Falk is very engaging.

You use punctuation differently from me. (Remember your feedback to me, that was about punctuation too.) You use commas as a harder stop than I do - often I'm expecting a full stop instead. And don't make any puns about that, I mean it (scary primary teacher's frown).


wytchcroft June 1 2009, 21:06:52 UTC
hope so, it just took an hour and a half to load properly, i
hope you didn't read a frakked up version, it kept loading just bits of it.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback, it's helpful and i try to put suggestions to good use and i really appreciate you reading the same thing (more or less) twice over.

you rule:))


aliasse June 1 2009, 21:18:25 UTC
I teach my poor, tiny, hapless pupils as they chafe against the ties that bind them to their little tables that punctuation is used to show the relationship between ideas. They really get that.


wytchcroft June 1 2009, 21:22:29 UTC
thanks - i'll bear that in mind, writing's not my natural forte so the punctuation tends to be like amateur house building...


aliasse June 1 2009, 21:25:48 UTC
Er that last comment of mine was taking the piss out of myself and clearly writing IS your natural forte. Sadly, because of teaching it I have become really fascinated by why children can't understand how to use full stops. And there's very little research on it. Anyway, that's another thing altogether.


chapter X - in which i waffle wytchcroft June 1 2009, 21:40:00 UTC

well, children (it seems) use associative thought rather than sequential logic and so sentence construction tends to be hard for them, it's an imposition of order, a closed system - whch (at that stage) is unnatural because articulation IS communication to them and so (in a binary sense) all the switches have to be 'open'.*

if that makes any sense - and, sorry, children and language... pet subject here too.

*a full stop is like telling someone not to talk about a movie and then taking them to the cinema... neurologically it's very, very hard NOT to talk about it since that completes a communication process for the individual via the screen (the feedback between what is seen and what is projected onto that by the viewer) and finally onto the nearest other person.
Not discussing the film closes a circuit too early.

The communication theory model behind that - seems applicable to children and thought vs language construction.


Re: chapter X - in which i waffle aliasse June 1 2009, 21:44:44 UTC
Oh my God, that's so fascinating! What is your field, professor? (I said no puns!)

The one good bit of research I found on it involved observing children writing and tells how one of them started their work with the full stops - spacing a series of dots over an empty page with the comment "I've done my full stops". So sweet.


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Re: chapter X - in which i waffle aliasse June 1 2009, 22:03:23 UTC
My bestest supporting statement for my CV began 'I am an unstable, work-shy depressive' and it just got better from there. I never used it, it was just a little pointless rebellion. (Might have been going for temping jobs then. 'Did you do any typing with your History degree ( ... )


wow! wytchcroft June 1 2009, 22:14:30 UTC
we have a lot in common it would seem!!!:)))

i hope you'll put some of your experiences in your journal (along with the fics you've apparently left over at FFF.N, koff! koff!)



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Re: wow! wytchcroft June 1 2009, 22:31:48 UTC
second dylan moran shout out on lj tonight. curious. LOL!

i loved reading this - i have worked with disadvantaged client groups of one sort or another in the past (not right now) and i had some of the most positive experiences in that arena.

i would love to hear more when you have time and space to do so.

thanks again for reading, commenting and being so nice about stuff.:))


Re: wow! wytchcroft June 1 2009, 22:33:06 UTC
and i mean i would LOVE to hear more - it looks a bit lame now i read it back, but it's true - i want more!!


Re: wow! aliasse June 1 2009, 22:35:54 UTC
That Dylan Moran quote - it's from the same clip as the one I recommended to Lacey about potential. (Expect a sudden silence from me as I realise that it's approaching midnight and I really ought to turn in . . . )


Re: wow! wytchcroft June 1 2009, 22:38:28 UTC
... to a pumpkin or a glass slipper??

have a nice night now:))


why kids rule! wytchcroft June 1 2009, 21:58:34 UTC

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