What did you guys do?

Aug 20, 2009 20:34

I chased, caught, hung out with and returned a horse.
Got a sunburn
Achieved absolutely none of my other jobs for the day.

Ok.. I wasn't gonna vent but... I'm venting.

So in the last 3 months now I have twice found something of value and gone out of my way to return .

First a cell phone found on Metro.  I didn't turn it into the driver because they have to give it to lost and found and it can take DAYS to get it back if at all.

I called the cell company, the "home" and "work" numbers in the contact list and answered the first call that came in.  On all of these calls I gave my contact information, where I found the phone, where I could meet the person etc.  ATT's rep about tinkled on himself over having someone call in a found phone. (I remember this from my days at Airtouch actually)
The woman finally calls me, we arrange to meet, she walks up to me with her hand out says "I'm__________, do you have my phone." I blink a second, give it to her and all she says is "Ok, well the bus driver was mad you didn't give it to him." I explained and she said "Oh, ok. thanks" and walks off.

... .. ... ok... it was a cell phone and she had to drive a mile out of her way, whatever.

Today, not one but two horses come tromping through my yard.  It's the country so not really a shock.  The dogs scare one back the way it came (and apparently back into it's enclosure) the other goes for a walk about down the main drag, which while not horridly busy is driven by idiots who think the 3 in 35 is possibly an 8... or at least a 5.

So... me being the animal rescuer, "horses make a big mess when hit by cars" kinda person I am, I grab a leather dog leash (note to self, invest in a hackamore and lead) and go after the horse.  In flip flops, a wife beater and mens pj shorts, speaking of hot mess trainwrecks.

Ok... catch the horse, create a hackamore with said leash and use a length of electric fence ribbon as a lead (thank god he had good manners or my hands would be sliced open) call animal control to report the loose horses and see if they can track the brand.  Get told if no one comes to claim him in 24 hours off to the slaughter house he goes.  (SOO NOT my plan)

Lock him into the barn (addendum to note to self make barn a}animal safe b}secure with more than an eye hook and piece of rope... maybe consider fencing barter) walk over to the nearest ranch that I have report with and borrow a halter and lead.

This horse is unshod and my barn has no wood floors.  So only short time in the barn unless necessary.  So out we go to the yard which has maybe a good hours worth of grazing since the field is too dry. (addendum some more... bale of hay... bag of oats... watering bucket)

Finally get tired of waiting on animal control... grab said horse and head out behind the property behind me where I yell down the cool woman who lives there... who doesn't own Radar but knows him and his owner.

The owner finally shows up on the scene to check the fenceline.  Doesn't say thanks... just gives me his number in case it happens again.

... ... ... ok ...

I love animals, I love helping out people.  I don't do it because I am going to get something out of it.

But what the hell people... how hard is it to at least SOUND sincere when saying thank you... WTF?

So what did you guys do today?

tired, grumpy, horse

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