Jan 27, 2013 22:55
There is a greater gift than the trust of others. That is to trust in oneself. Some might call it confidence, others name it faith. But if it makes us brave, the label doesn’t matter… for it’s the thing that frees us, to embrace life itself.
- Call the Midwife- S02E02, BBC
This quote, from one of my favorite UK shows, speaks volumes. It has been said by many that bravery is not the absence of fear, but the mastering and triumphing over it and then forging ahead despite it. Bravery or courage is hard to define and the concept is complex and multi-layered. But, no matter from whence that courage comes, it is enough that it gives us the will to go on. Only by facing those moments we choose to forget and thereby confronting our worst fears are we able to move foward and be truly free.
I've often been accused of being a deer in the headlights, being so afraid to act for fear of the consequences that oftentimes, I do nothing and become mired in self-doubt. I find myself caring too deeply about what others think of me. I'm told I march to a different drum, yet am ridiculed and made to feel inferior because of it. I despise this part of myself, and yearn to change. To trust and believe in myself...however difficult it may be, it is not impossible, right?