I thought I'd use my Days icons since I haven't used those in awhile. The writing has improved as the stories have.The characters I really don't care about are Ari and Brady...I'd probably like Brady more if he was with Nichole.
I've gotten letter from Jeremy which always makes me happy. 2 pretty pictures from Donna from B&B and a nice note from Sharon Case from Y&R and a nice letter from my LJ and Facebook friend Nathan. I'm going to write back. I've been a little slow this week.
Not too much going on which is why I've been reading more and not posting as much.
I've exercised 2 times this week and feel better. I need to do it every day.
Inside Edition has been pretty good. There was a sad story about Kate Jackson...They were saying she's almost broke and blames her financial advisor...She's done other good LifeTime shows...I can't believe she'd be in that position. I hope things work out for her.
Also about that story in Virgina about that poor Lacrose(sp) player who died because of her boyfriend. He seemed like a priviliged jerk.I don't feel sorry for him at all.I think she was trying to leave him when it happened.
As for shows...Kendra was fun this weekend. I saw The Challenge last night.Not much was on tv this weekend.Kate Plus 8 is coming back....There was an article about him being at home for the 6 kids birthday.....I wish that would have been shown But I guess they need some down time.Oh, I liked Jessica Simpsons show on VH1.