Fic: If you prick him, do I not bleed?

Aug 23, 2007 22:50

Title: If you prick him, do I not bleed?
Author: Wysawyg
Disclaimer: I own nowt but my soul and some comfy walking boots. All else belongs to their owners, in the Winchester case, this is the Kripkeeper and the CW.
Summary: A thorny encounter with a rose bush leaves the Winchester brothers a little close for comfort.
Author notes: Written for spn_dailylife challenge. ( Read more... )

prick him, dailylife, challenge, oneshot, fic

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Comments 15

wofl_iron August 24 2007, 04:17:49 UTC
Oh this was just awesome.

Sam rolled his eyes, “He was certainly a practioner of Wicca but that hardly makes him evil. Wicca predates Christianity by a long way and is said to have roots in the worship of nature and all natural things, long before Christianity falsely attached it to Satanism.”

Oh Sam. <333 My love for him grows exponentially! As a wiccan/pagan myself, I give you a thumbs up for that line!

Um, lets see what else I loved, aside from the whole entire thing.


wofl_iron August 24 2007, 04:23:51 UTC
whoops! Turns out the comment box is very close by to the "post comment" button. Allow me to finish.

“My brother whacking off to plants is odd?” Dean asked.

*rolls around laughing* that's just too great.

“Dude, I’m thinking about the car.”

There was a long pause and Sam just muttered, “Not touching that with a ten-foot pole.”

Dean/Impala OTP FTW \o/

That whole scene was just brilliant. <3

“Shit.” He stood and began pacing the small area of the motel room, “Shit, shit, shit, fucking damn. How am I supposed to patch that up?” He motioned to the tip of Sam’s finger.

Oh Dean. *twirls* I just want to hug him so much. What a wonderful big brother he is.

The entire bar scene was just so wonderfully fun. And of course Sam would be pissed about that. *smooshes him*

This is very well written and funny and an awesome, original case file (never seen evil roses before. XD). Thanks so much for writing this. It entertained me vastly.


wysawyg September 24 2007, 17:33:08 UTC
Heya, sorry for the late response. Just been on vacation for a fortnight and then been catching up on sleep.

Thanks for listing the quotes you liked, always good to know and yes, Dean/Impala is the OTP! I heard a rumour that the Impala gets its own character page in the Supernatural Companion guide! Well deserved!

Thanks again for the comment!


pseudo_shigure August 24 2007, 05:47:11 UTC


wysawyg September 24 2007, 17:34:16 UTC
Heya, Sorry for the late response. Been away for a fortnight then catching up on sleep and too dozey to reply.

Glad you thought it was in character and amusing. Just what I was going for.

Thanks for your comment.


ex_rosegany August 24 2007, 17:06:45 UTC
Ooh, nicely done. I really liked this. The mythology you've created was fascinating and really tied into the boys well - I was laughing right along with Jekka ;) And then there were moments of surprising sweetness, as in the patching up scene, and this, though it near broke me for a minute:

“Hey, if you’d touched the black rose bush, we’d likely both be dead.”

“No, probably just me,” Sam said morosely which was enough to depress Dean too.

“Same difference,” Dean muttered.

Oh, Dean. I love how you worked in bits of AHBL2 with this, but not overwhelmingly so. Great fic!


wysawyg September 24 2007, 17:37:36 UTC
Sorry for the late response to your comment. Was on vacation for a fortnight and then been catching up on Zzzz.

Yeah, I tried to make the fact it was post-AHBL2 fairly subtle seeing as there's lots of great Boys-Angsting fics out there and knew I couldn't compete. Glad it worked.

Thanks for your comment.


black_samvara August 25 2007, 08:49:33 UTC
“If you are asking me to marry you, dude, I’ll give you the same response as I did when you were five, it just ain’t legal between brothers.”

Oh Dean, so practical, so funny. Thanks!


wysawyg September 24 2007, 17:39:09 UTC
Sorry for the late response, been on vacation then catching up on sleep.

Hee, I couldn't resist that comment. The idea of Wee!Sammy finding out about marriage and without his parent's marriage to guide him, it'd be natural to assume you marry the closest person to you. :) You can bet Dean embarrasses him about that frequently.

Thanks for your comment.


black_samvara September 25 2007, 00:21:57 UTC
It made perfect sense to me. I planned a completely inappropriate marriage when I was very little!


wysawyg September 25 2007, 20:20:37 UTC
I was apparently all set to get married to my best friend when I was three years old. Tragically it all ended when my parents moved house.

Another one of my childhood friends proposed to a horse... it didn't accept.


apreludetoanend August 31 2007, 00:19:32 UTC
What a great use of the prompt! I loved the marriage quip, and Dean's musings on the Impala--so funny! And then the end with Dean taking Sam down was just perfect. Great job! =)


wysawyg September 24 2007, 17:40:38 UTC
Sorry for the late response, been on vacation then catching up on sleep.

Dean/Impala is my OTP, not that there are a lot of options for other OTPs in Supernatural.

And yeah, Dean had to pull Sam down at the end. You can't let a little brother get the upper hand, it's against the sibling laws.

Thanks for your comment.


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