FIC: The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep (12/14)

Aug 19, 2007 19:32

Title: The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep (12/14)
Author: Wysawyg
Summary: Sam Winchester was beginning to wonder whether the demon had forgotten his plans for him. Sam Winchester had forgotten that the demon played a long game. Dark!fic. Multi-chapter. Not WIP.
Disclaimer: Everything the light touches belongs to someone else. The darkside too. It’s all ( Read more... )

longshot, the woods are lovely dark and deep, dark, fic

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twigletmoo August 22 2007, 23:01:47 UTC
At the moment, I can not begin to tell you how much I loved this chapter.

I read it just before I went to bed the other night and despite the love was crazy tired and had no coherant thoughts to review.

Really want to read the chapter again before commenting, but again, it's really late and my face and fingers are falling asleep, but I can't leave it any longer before letting you know what I thought.

I super-squish you and say that I LOVED this chapter. All of it. From the beginning with the time and location jumps whcih you worked in really well, to the Dean/Jo "shopping" and then the seizure! *dies*

Seriously, you almost killed me with that whole scene, and then the confrontation with Bobby *squees*

Am not sure how realistic the seizure is, Dean seemed a little too concious before he passed out, and also I wasn't sure that Dean would have gone from one pill a day to no pills a day, but overlooking those queries completely, I still loved this chapter. Like Super-Loved it!

♥ you!

*goes off to bed and adds re-reading this entire fic to list of things to do*


wysawyg August 23 2007, 19:09:45 UTC

The seizures are definitely not that realistic, sadly. I started writing then thought 'Hmmm, some research would be good.' The research helped in that it inspired a few plot bunnies but it did say that Dean would be unlikely to be conscious... or at least that seizure sufferers rarely remember. I kinda hand-waved that bit 'cos I needed him conscious for a bit. Hopefully it's not too jarring for people that know better!

I meant to imply with the pills that he had been kinda stretching them out for a while, not just going complete cold turkey but even so, yeah, it was a pretty stupid thing to do (as Jo and Bobby tell him*.

Yey for super-squishes and thanks for the lovely review!


twigletmoo August 23 2007, 21:07:46 UTC
Well, Dean remaining slightly concious works better than him being completely out of it, so if it ain't broke don't fix it! Call it creative license!


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