1. «For silence I ask
all children,
[1]great and small,
sons of Heimdallar;
wilt thou, that I, Valfather!
Well recount
ancient history of men,
the first I remember?
2. I remember Jotnar
early born,
those who in old
foster me have;
nine homes I remember,
nine wooded rooms,
wise tree bright
before ground below.
3. In times of old
then Ymir build,
was no sand or sea,
nor gelid waves,
earth existed not,
nor upper heaven,
gap was yawning,
but grass nowhere.
4. Ere Bur's sons
the burden lifted,
they who Midgard
mighty created;
sun shone from the south
on the temple rocks,
the ground grows
with green onions.
5. Sun warped south,
moons companion,
the right hand
around the heavens rim;
sun knew not
what temples she had,
moon knew not
what power he possessed,
stars knew not
what places they had.
6. Then went reigns all
to their ruling seats,
the high-holy gods
held council;
night and descendant
they gave names,
morning they named,
and midday,
afternoon and eve;
years to count.
7. Are Aesir to be found
on Idavelli;
there they Horg and Hof
timbered high,
craftsmen created,
and blacksmiths,
tongs they fashion
and tools made.
8. With games in the yard
joyous they were,
to them was naught
the lack of gold;
then three there came,
Thuss maidens,
from Jotunhome.
9. Then went reigns all
to their ruling seats,
the high-holy gods
held council:
whom should the Dwarfs,
the kings' men, create,
from oceans blood
and the blue calves.
10. There was Modsognir,
greatest of creations,
greatest of Dwarfs,
but Durinn second;
Manlike creations
many they did,
Dwarfs from earth,
as Durinn said.