*cough cough*

Jun 18, 2007 09:13

well well, I've not posted anything here in quite a while.
However, I got tagged by surlygaijin sooooo

Rules: Post the explanation of where your username(s) came from. Then tag TEN users whose explanations you'd like to hear. If you are tagged, then post the explanation to your page.

Wyreth: Why-Rêth

Back in 94 I started playing a MUD called Everdark. Not wanting to be like all of my other friends I decided I would make up my own name, rather than using one from somewhere else. Also I was a Pern Geek back then, and a budding writer. So I made a name that ment something.

Wyre - From Anne McCaffery's books, it's a dragon's home, bed, or nest.

Eth - Icelandic "of the, from the."

So in essence Wyreth means "from the dragon's nest." Or to put it bluntly, dragon. Since then it's become my moniker everywhere online. (several people from the MUD have used it other places to my annoyance.... Also a game baised on the Atlantis system. AND a Tower in Legend of the Twins) So now you know the origin of Wyreth.

Sooo... Now to Tag: tombstonerider, amoiarmster, friedwallaby, sushicookie, lynne_kitty, and awiefaile
I know a few of yours, but you're still tagged... I know it's not ten, but I don't care.


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