I'm told over and over by family that I "share too much" online.
As a writer, I know my BEST work is through BARING my soul. Any Artist will Understand that.
But it's not just that....you see, some day I will be gone. ALL that will be left of me is memories AND my posts. I don't have children. I have never done anything overly amazing to get me a grand reward/into a hall of fame. I have only what I MAKE...HERE. My words, my deeds...and my internet posts.
What I Share online gets to kind of Live Forever. The laughter, the tears, the thoughts, the opinions....I shall become a Ghost In The Machine for all who subscribe/follow me. I'm good with that. I'm actually Happy with that. I have Given You Something...to remember.
“...no-one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away... The span of someone's life, they say, is only the core of their actual existence.”
Terry Pratchett,
Reaper Man