Merc Retro Dreams

Jul 25, 2012 15:36

One of the things I hate the most about Mercury Retrograde is what it does to my dreams. I have been prone to Night Terrors all my life although they have decreased as I have grown older.  I always have vivid dreams and they are often Strange.  Merc Retro super sizes them.

I was sick to my stomach this morning and went back to bed for a bit...the dream sequence was bizarre.

First I was sitting on the loveseat in our living room and Charlie was on the couch.  I thought, "I don't remember how I got here...and why am I so TIRED?"  and I dozed off...

THEN I was at Sister-in-laws house.  Charlie and I each had a half finished beer in our hands and they had asked us to help them load their return bottles.  I tried to say that if I had known we were arriving on "bottle day" we would have brought them our empty Yuengling cans, because we can't return those in MI...HOWEVER, despite only having half a beer, my speech was SLURRED.  She understood what I was saying, but I couldn't talk right.  I felt so I sat down on their weight bench (they don't have one in real world) to take a nap...

I wake up and I'm home...but not any home I have ever lived in.  I'm still napping on a weight bench in a garage, but this one has big doors on either end, with windows along them.  I've never lived in a house with windows on the garage doors.  I'm groggy and think, "That was an odd set of dreams..." and then I notice Four men watching me through one of the garage windows.  They are all crammed into the same small window and it's NOT just that I am being watched without my knowledge in my own house, but the looks on their faces are scary....
I tell them, "Get out of here or I'm calling 911."
They laugh and tell me to go ahead.
So I head into the house which is connected to the garage and I'm trying to call 911 but my phone will ONLY access my photo album on it. I think/decide they have Done Something and decide that IF I can get online I will post on FB "Plz call 911...give my addy..." and then Somebody will call for help. (I cling to this hope through most of the rest of the dream...that if I can just get a status out there I can/WILL get HELP)  I get to the computer and start to bring it up when I notice the back door is OPEN.  It's just the outside/screen door.  I close the door.  It's got FIVE locks...and I only throw the one on the knob because so often in movies people throw the deadbolt and chain and then CAN'T get out...
I look at the front door and notice IT has FIVE locks...and I think, "When we moved in we wondered why they had so many locks, I guess now I know..."
I'm concerned somebody got in through the open door and hurry back to the computer...PRAYING they haven't jammed the wifi...I start to login to get help when two things happen....I wonder....
2> There's a scrapping at the far end of the house, like somebody running a knife along the wall and I hear laughter outside....
I turn to the computer and start to type...
and THAT is when I woke up.

dreams, pieces of me

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