Dear Kitten Killing piece of SHIT:
You TORTURED and KILLED a tiny, 4-5 pound kitten because it was "bothering" your 200+ pound self. If you can justify killing a kitten that could have been picked up and put in a drawer or closet with that line of bullshit, then I can't imagine what you would do with a teething infant or toddler that needs a nap. Pity Michigan doesn't have a death penalty, as I really don't want you on the streets again EVER--you are a danger to Society and have forfeited your "rights" as a "human being". That said, I wish with all the power that I have that you "bother" a very big man while you are in jail and he shanks you for it. Blessed Be...
Police: Teen said he killed kitten because 'it was bothering me'
(Image shows a sweet-looking gold and black tabby kitten.)
Mind you, he is 19-years old. He is an ADULT. Previous articles about this hideous crime tell how the woman returned home with her 13-year old daughter to find her house had been invaded and robbed and the family pet viciously killed. It wasn't enough to break into these people's home and ruin their sense of security. It wasn't enough to steal things that they had worked hard to get...he and his friends had to hurt a defenseless little KITTEN. Several big "men" just couldn't handle a ball of fluff wanting to play. I *am* so very glad that the little girl had not been left home alone, because I don't want to even imagine what those monsters might have done to her. This crime is so blatantly heinous, that four years is NOT enough. The fact that the breaking and entering gets a higher penalty than a crime that requires sociopath tendencies is, to say the very least, disturbing.
What's wrong with Society today? How about the fact that Child Molesters and Animal Abusers get nothing more than a slap on the wrist*** and are then released into the unsuspecting population to commit their crimes again and again. The Law does not protect the Innocent, the Victim. A dog that bites more than once is euthanized. A "person" who has no respect for life, who has proven they will commit atrocities again and again by becoming a "repeat offender" should be removed from the gene pool.
***In many states Child Molesters and Animal Abuse both carry maximum sentences of no more than five years. Sure five years in prison is not a party, but, they are not rehabilitated, they are simply set loose upon the unsuspecting over and over again. Ray Bradbury wrote a short story about a man branded on his face for the crime he committed. If you are not going to remove them, then at least mark them so we all know what--not who, *WHAT*--is walking among us.