Mar 30, 2008 15:43
How does Jennifer Aniston manage to take 3 minute showers? And she apparently brushes her teeth in there too. If you're supposed to brush your teeth for 2 minutes, that means that for 2/3 of the time in there she's one handed. How on earth do you do anything in the shower one handed? Referring to the purely hygiene related purposes that one takes a shower for, not for any "recreational activities".
And before someone points out the concept of "marine showers" taking 3 minutes (less than from what I understand), they have both hands, and shaved heads. Maybe that's what takes us all so long in the shower, washing our hair. And shaving. And if you're like Jennifer Aniston brushing your teeth.
Oh well, I spend less time in the shower than most people I know. I guess I'm doing something right.