R.I.P. Robert Lynn Asprin

May 23, 2008 22:35

Robert Asprin (1946-2008)
Author and editor, Robert Lynn Asprin passed away unexpectedly in his home in New Orleans, Louisiana on May 22, 2008. His body was discovered lying on his sofa with a science fiction book in hand. Paramedics were unable to revive him.
Asprin was the author of nearly 50 novels including the Phule series and The Myth Adventures of Aahz and Skeeve. He collaborated with many authors including Bill Fawcett, Mel White, Peter J Heck, Eric Del Carlo, George Takei, and Esther Friesner. His best known collaboration was with his ex-wife, Lynn Abbey, with whom he co-edited the popular Thieves World books.
He had just contracted two new novels with Ace SF and was also working on a new Myth Adventures novel with Jody Lynn Nye. He was scheduled to be the Guest of Honor at MarCon this weekend and was discovered when being picked up for travel to the convention.
Asprin is survived by his mother, his sister, his daughter and his son, and his cat, Princess, not to mention countless friends and fans and numerous legendary fictional characters. He will be greatly missed.
Posted May 23, 2008


Well Frell, I had just finished reading his latest MYTH novel too.

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