Rainsparkle Derpgoat

Jun 02, 2016 17:11

In recognition of the local June weather I shall share Rainsparkle Derpgoat! I already shared it on fb, but I kind of like the derpiness so I thought I'd also post it to somewhere that has a logical and linear progression of everything I post instead of whatever the host provider thinks other people should see. Again, why are we all using that junk site? :-/

To copy & paste what I said over there:


Rainsparkle Derpgoat is the manifestation of rain and mild stupidity. Hobbies include making it rain, ruining holidays, and posting stupid memes on facebook.

Derpgoat also secretly loves MLP, but pretends not to due to embarrassment and the desire to keep trolling the fandom for no good reason. Shame on you, Derpgoat!


The animation is pretty bad, but I just wanted something basic to show it looked in my brain. Maybe one day I'll re-do this and add all the sparkles. I'm sure there's a more efficient ways than painting them all by hand. It probably involves photoshop and noise distortion, but I hardly ever use photoshop these days and am too lazy to fire it up just for that.

I also have no idea why that foreleg is so weirdly muscular and I think I started off drawing floppy ears and changed my mind half way through, so now it kind of looks like a deer-goat-lamb thing. I guess that's the derp and why using references is so important. Let this be some sort of half-arsed lesson!

90s Outs!


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