I went out and bought an external hard drive yesterday. My games and media--mostly games--were using up most of my space. Also, I was tired of alternating games by uninstalling ones I haven't played in a while and installing ones I want to play. But now I don't have to. Yay! This sucker is tiny, too. It's small enough to fit in my computer satchel, which is pretty full anyway.
I've been trying to work on my supernatural story, but it's not doing much. I'm on my fifth rewrite of the first draft. I like the plot, the characters and the world but I just don't like what I'm writing. Same goes for my sci-fi story too. It just feels like...blah.
Speaking of blah, I picked up a copy of Eragon at the library yesterday. I'm cutting my first impressions since I know there are people on my flist that like the book.
I'm only reading it because I don't feel comfortable mocking something without knowing about the subject of my mock (I'm not even sporking it.
kippurbird is doing a
much better job). With that said, I don't think I'm going to be able to finish it. It reminds me of a lot of the badfic I've read on fanfiction.net, only after someone ran spellcheck and had a beta reader.
In the prologue alone, I knew I was going to be in trouble. When the (no doubt drop-dead gorgeously stunning) elf woman is introduced, her hair is described as "raven-haired." Then, to make sure we know that ravens don't change colors like snowshoe hares and artic foxes, he described her hair as "long black locks."
Mind you, they're in a forest some place. You know, the kind with trees. Some how, this Shade thingy finds a piece of granite large enough to rise above the trees and climbs it in order to see the elf. Which he does spy running between trees. I'm going to guess that it's winter because if there were leaves on the trees, he wouldn't be able to see her at all. But I don't really know because there are no good descriptions beyond what the characters look like and are wearing. Really, the only thing missing is the elf woman wearing a Hot Topic tee with a detailed description of the words on said tee.
Anyway, in the next chapter, we get to my favorite part of the book. Eragon, who is fifteen and a better ranger than men and women twice his age, draws three arrows because he's hunting deer. He draws three arrows, nocks one and looses it. How is he holding onto the other two? We're never told, so it's clearly not important.
After he looses the arrow, Something Magical Happens and spooks the deer. He loses the arrow (his favorite, WTF) and "instinctively" nocks the second, which he was probably storing in his ass. That's the only logical explanation for how he fired a bow after drawing three arrows. Anyway, it's not instinctive, it's called practice. To prove that he's XXHARDCOREXX he sleeps in only his bedroll with no fire, even though it's winter.
So he finds this stone thingy that might be dangerous, but he's going to sell it anyway (how did this kid survive so long in a place where most men don't even tread?). Sloan the butcher sounds like a whiny little git and doesn't like anything that came from the aforementioned forest because his wife went over the falls.
I don't understand it either. My grandfather died in the winter, so I guess I hate snow now. My cat died in on the way to the vet, so I don't like cars or vets now either.
Also, traders come to the Spine in the winter and spring. First, why back-to-back seasons? You'd think they would come every six months or so. Second, in the winter? Now, I'm not saying it couldn't happen; if I remember correctly, trappers in Canada traveled in the winter back whent he fur trade was huge. But really, in a quasi-medieval world you'd think the traders would be somewhere warm to trade.
If I had to guess about the author, I would say that he is a city slicker who's only forays into nature involve going to the city park but was much more comfortable sitting at home watching Star Wars fantasy-ish movies.
That's about as far as I got. My attention waned and I picked up Eats, Shoots and Leaves, which is lovely.