So the campaign was fun--we went until late Saturday night and picked it up Sunday. It took me a bit to get back in the swing of things and I ended up using my cleric as more of a fighter than a healer, but not so any more. We started out with a cleric, a necromancer, a scout and a ranger, we ended up with a cleric, a necromancer, a wererat ranger and a werewolf scout. The DM confessed that it was the strangest group he's ever been a part of. It was rather amusing to watch my brother roll four crit fails in a row and with a nifty table one player gave to the DM, there are now actual penalties to the failures, like losing your pants in the middle of a battle. He once rolled three natural twenties in a row as well, instantly killing some huge beast that shouldn't have been able to be killed. This was a module at the time, so the choices were that the party either run away or be killed. Yeah. There was no option for killing the creature, so the DM had to quickly decide that the party ran away as the stronghold began to crumble.
I leave work in two weeks, though I may be leaving earlier. My boss is planning on tossing me back to Medical Records, taking me off of scanning altogether. Now, I've been helping Med Recs here and there because they get swamped, but I've only been dealing with charts, no patients. I do not want to go back to that shit again. It's a totally thankless job. Not only that, but I took a damn pay cut so I could have this job and not flip burgers. Unless they're bumping my pay back up, I won't do it. My pay now is not enough to deal with shitty coworkers, irate patients and people that wanted charts yesterday.
The reason for this is that the Med Rec girls need the experience for when I and others leave, which I understand, but with the exception of one or two, the department knows what they're doing. I'd be willing to trade for an hour or two, but not for the entire day. So, I'm prepared to quit on the spot.
Now, this may sound harsh, but a receptionist at the NMC, which is a branch of PMG, was told that she had to work nights now. She didn't mind a couple a week because her husband works at night there too. She can't pick the days though and when she tried to resist, she was told that she "could be replaced" by the higher ups. Fifteen years! If they are willing to threaten to fire someone after fifteen years of excellent work, they'd be more than willing to do it to me. So I'll walk out. They can replace me to their heart's content.
If I do, it means strife at home. My father's response to the shit at work? "At least you have a job." Um, okay...but when they're running the scanning like a sweatshop, I think I regret not looking for employment elsewhere. Well, I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.
Oh! And lookie! I have a new moodtheme! With the plus account, you can upload custom moodthemes in addition to 15 icons, etc. etc. Okay, so I'm an LJ whore, but look! Sandman moodtheme!