Tonight's my first Mutants and Masterminds game ever. I've had the hardest time coming up with a character concept. Mainly because every time someone brings it up, I've been so tire from work and me being sick/HBC issues. Like this morning. I woke up with a huge headache (I'm still kind of shaky, but sugar's helped). I ended up sleeping in until eleven (woohoo day off!), which I hate doing on my day off, since I only get two of them a week.
So anyway, the setting is vaguely urban fantasy, mostly because we couldn't agree on anything else. Wolf and I wanted cyberpunk, but Sifu hates it. Neither of them are well-versed on anything but Tolkien fantasy and none of us really wanted to play in someone reminiscent of Marvel or DC. So, urban fantasy. Everyone's normal until BAM! powers start happening. I'm planning on making a very logical physics professor with corrosive and disintigrative (is that even a word?) powers which she doesn't discover until she puts her hand down on her desk and there's suddenly a large hole there. I plan on spending much of this session with her in flat denial that this is even happening.
Unfortunately with work, I'm probably going to be closing most of the time which means I don't get out until 10:30. I have no idea how many games I'll actually be able to play in. As it stands, I can't really make it to any of
liandra_sadhiki's games any more because I work most Thursday nights. Boo.