(no subject)

Oct 13, 2008 22:59

Is anyone else disturbed with the M&Ms commercials? The ones where they sexualize the green one?

I'm rather amused by the anti-Prop 2 (stem-cell research) commercials. OMG! Vote yes and scientists will GROW embryos to play Frankenstein on! rabblerabblebravenewworld

Just two thoughts on Heroes tonight:

Yay! Adam's back!

What the fuck, Hiro?

Signing is coming along decently. I keep getting frustrated because I want to be fluent now. I'm finding ASL easier to get the hang of than Spanish. That might be because you don't sign everything. Like the sentence, "I'm going to the bookstore."

In Spanish, you'd say, "(Yo) voy a la librería." The yo is implied, but you can say it if you like.

In ASL, you'd sign "I go bookstore." No conjunctions, articles, gerunds, participles or any other things like that. You can sign those and there are signs for them, but that's more a part of signing English rather than ASL. Fingerspelling is taking a little longer to get the hand of. I can fingerspell with no problem, but reading it is another thing altogether.

But that's on par with any language I've every studied. I can speak (or sign) it better before I can actually understand it. I'm grateful that my ASL prof is Deaf because it forces me to understand her. It took me forever to be able to understand someone speaking Spanish, though reading/translating it was pretty easy. I'm sure you can guess that there's really no translation going on in ASL.

television, politics, asl, school

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