i should have taken what kiddo said at face value.
when he said "i fixed my tooth" he'd elaborated: "a piece came off and i put it back on."
the reason the front of his tooth was all silvery was not, as explained by the dental assistant i showed him to right after it happened, due to the fact that the white veneer on the crown had been chipped off (which apparently happens often enough) but because his entire crown had come off and he put it back on himself... backwards. (only one side is enamel colored.) guess i should have had the dentist look at it himself, rather than just going with what he said when conferring with her in the other room.
today he went in for his regular checkup and the first thing the dentist said when he came in to look at the teeth was "who put that crown on backwards?" the assistant this time told him what i'd mentioned about kiddo saying he'd "fixed" his tooth, and they figured out what had happened. it was apparently still quite loose.
we all felt like giant idiots.
my four year old child has now entered the realm of practicing dental work. with aplomb. he was very matter of fact about it. i just assumed he'd misinterpreted what had happened, or couldn't explain it clearly.
he's got a brand spankin' new crown on now with extra special cement in the hopes that this one will stay on....