Joined TFL (Tarot For Life) to revel in discussions with like-minded folks. Same with All Things Tarot (a yahoo loop) and the ATA (American Tarot Association). Do any of you belong to any of these groups? I've probably forgotten to list some of the things I've discovered or explored in the last 48 hours. The TFL thing seems like a whole barrel of fun.
Waiting for word from a professional online reader, but "early next week" is turning into "late next week". Trying to be patient. Bovine excrement occurs in our lives at inconvenient times, I know.
Broke it to the MIL that I read tarot. The sky did not fall. She did not ask my husband if he was worried about his wife going straight to hell. The cornbread didn't burn. She just let it fly on by and nodded..."um-hmm." Does that count as coming out of the closet? Maybe not, as I neglected to tell her I'd be pursuing a career as an online reader velly velly soon. Baby steps, right?
(Edited to add: got the reading at 8:pm was well worth the wait. Oh my.)