Oh look, it's Spam The Next Generation. Well, actually this probably isn't even particularly new, but it's the first time I've run across it. (View Image on its own to make it larger)
See the trick? The spam filter sees all the extra verbiage and is fooled into "thinking" it's a valid email. But the email is intended for humans, not computers. All the words they don't want you to see have a font color that makes them almost invisible so just the junk email's message gets through.
Yay. Btw, the trick of highlighting text to make it more visible is one I've used often on poorly designed web pages. Then I usually leave because, if it's poorly designed, there's probably not much there worth reading anyway.
Unrelatedly, does anyone know of some free or cheap image hosting services? Right now I have these images up on tinypic.com, but I don't know if I can trust them to keep the images up indefinitely. I should probably just break down and find a super-cheap non-free hosting service out there somewhere--that way I could put whatever miscelleanous fluff on there that I wanted to, no questions asked, well almost.