Oct 12, 2009 22:11
Hmmm, since the last time I bitched about my husband I thought it would be a nice change of pace to actually brag about my son. I know, I know. Booooorrrrrrinnnnnnng.
Seriously? I've never really been interested in "other" peoples kids either. I grew up as an only child briefly seeing cousins. So my only eduction on the siblings thing has been The Huxtables. I do find if i like the person and their child I'm interested. I try to keep the yakking about my kid to a minimum around people. I think even my husband gets bored.
Anyway, here is the scoop: Tristan has his 1st year molars in and has only been somewhat cranky. I gave him some of those teething tablets and he seemed better. I'd been warned that teething molars is the nighmare, but so far - the first 2 I missed completely coming in even though I brush his teeth each day. Geez, I know - realll observant. He's now getting the other 2. We will wait for the canines and the 2nd year molars.
Tristan yaks. Really - he talks in sentences TO ME.... last week he said, "look out there. snowing.:" And he's saying things immediately after I say them, like when I told him he'd found a quarter, he repeats "quarter". Says it a few more times and then doesn't say it again. Or when I ask him what he wanted to eat last week (do you want a corndog?) He perked up and said, corndog? That's so cool. It's amazing how quickly the brain will pick things up, process them, associate them with pictures or smells or experiences. What I'm very proud of him doing is actually going from 2 word phrases and 1 3 word sentence overnight to 3-5 word sentences.
Okay - now to bitch about the husband because I'm sure that's all you want to hear is to read about someone else's tale of woe. Husband is obsessed with me having a baby. He talks about me having another baby like it's all he thinks about. I'm just obsessed about my actual baby no longer a baby. Husband says, what will you do if you get pregnant, will you still work? I keep saying, yeah, because we have too many bills for me not to work. I'll just have to adjust my hours if they let me. There's no way my mom can or should take care of an infant. Now, if Tristan is pottytrained and about 2 or 3 he can attend preschool for a few hours each day. However, my mom has been having falling incidents lately. I've told him at the worst, he'd have to get a local 9 to 5 type of job while I work the opposite hours so that we can take care of our family.