It's Drabblethon day!

Apr 22, 2007 16:35

Fourth annual drabblethon over at mctabby's. Odd year for me... one, I cut it way close for my comfort on the deadline. And two, I didn't do a 'proper' drabble. I went well over 100 words. Weird.

Anyhow... I was assigned to write for cordivae9, who requested "Crookshanks/Padfoot. GET IN MAH BELLEH!"


"Sirius," Hermione called, "you can come out from behind there now."

The pathetic canine whining abruptly changed to a human "oof!" and assorted thunking, followed shortly by Sirius' appearance from behind the chair.

"Sorry about that," Sirius said sheepishly. "In the heat of the moment, I sometimes forget that I'm not actually a dog,"

"Why were you hiding?" Hermione asked.

"I wasn't hiding," Sirius denied, not meeting Hermione's gaze while dusting himself off. "Crookshanks chased me. Or, rather, he chased Padfoot."

Hermione stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You should have heard him! 'GET IN MAH BELLEH!' he growled! He was drooling! He licked his chops! And then he pounced!"

Hermione stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Not buying it, are you?"

Hermione stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Well. Um." Sirius looked around for inspiration before letting out a heavy sigh in defeat. "Iwastakingcareofsomepersonalcleansingandhestartledme."

Hermione stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Fine. I was licking myself, and your cat came up and ... Well. I'd rather not talk about it." Sirius crossed his arms over his chest, trying to look Hermione in the eye without dying of embarrassment. He gave up almost immediately. "I've got to go wash my hands," he called as he fled the room.

Hermione shook her head. "Boys!"
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