I love it when a plan comes together

Nov 26, 2008 11:56

Bokeh Overkiller

Unfortunately... that doesn't happen often enough. We're maybe as close as were gonna get though. I'm a few hours away from four glorious days off - and jotting down a couple quick thoughts at lunch - as the rest of the day looks pretty full. After work, I'm headed back to Normal to finish lighting the ISU One Act plays with Kev. Doing it today gives her three full days without having to go over there and gets this out of the way so it isn't hanging over her/our head. That may go on for a few hours - as we have to probably move, hang, and focus about a dozen instruments - and then program the show. But then it will be finis!

We're gonna do the mellow thing over the next few days - with no real plans beyond a long walk on Thanksgiving. Kev has a big paper due a week from Thursday - and she'll lose her Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to the play so... it goes as it goes. We both have plenty of work do to within 250 feet of our front door. I like this hiding out stuff.
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