A Day for the Birds

Nov 16, 2008 22:46

Four The Birds

Only managed about an hour at home on Saturday - I was invited out to Wildlife Prairie State Park near Edwards to see the raptors - up close and personal. Fellow photog Tim L., who photographs a lot of stuff at WPSP, arranged for a bunch of flickrites to get some unfettered access to a number of fantastic birds. We saw the following: Turkey Vulture, Cooper's Hawk, Red-Tail Hawk, Barn Owl, American Kestrel, Barred Owl, Peregrine Falcon, Horned Owl, and a Bald Eagle. It was pretty darn cool.

After a necessary lunch at One World, I raced home, showered, and headed on over to the final night of the play. We're all glad that is over - but frankly it went pretty well. The cast and crew did a great job - as did my lovely spouse and her team of crack cohorts. Due to some wonderful scheduling issues with the facilities, the next set of shows is only three weeks away. Directed by ISU Theatre Education students, it will be going up Dec. 2-3. Then I think Kev gets a break for a few weeks.

I'll be stopping in Morton tomorrow night to hawk some images at the show at the Bertha Frank Center. We'll see how that fairs as well.
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