Darn - if only it were Friday

Oct 20, 2008 16:46

Ma and Pa Canoe Renew

Wow - I am back to being AWOL on a too-regular basis. I can't even make my Friday Four post - for a second week in a row.

Oh well. I'm over it. So - I suspect - are you.

Somehow it's another busy busy window of time. October and November seem to excel at that. I'm out every night this week with one thing or another. Thank goodness I'm 1,000 miles overdue for my oil change - or I wouldn't even be posting this. Somehow though someone screwed up - I've got nothing on the calendar next weekend. It amounts to my only free weekend until Thanksgiving so maybe I'll actually do a little work around the house. Or I'll just take six or seven naps. That would feel good.

My last Friday four absence was due to the fact that we had four house guests arriving last Friday night - and after a day of work - well the house wasn't quite ready for visitors. We got there eventually and it was great to see my folks - hitting the canoe on our lake above - and our friend Doug (and his son Mitchell) over from Cincinnati to pick up something he bought on eBay (it was a massive piece of workout gear) from Washington, IL.

Onward and upward from here - at least on a well-oiled engine. Whew!
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