my own lost weekend

Sep 25, 2011 18:44

involves a distressing lack of booze and hookers.

i can't find a non-hd dl of Fringe's season 4 premiere. this is distressing, as i started rewatching season 1 (which i own) and had planned to skip straight to season 4. i've decided to blame Fox for this. Found one. I still blame Fox.

slept through most of yesterday. awesome.

i think i've figured out why there's a mysterious new food pocket on the bottom left side of my teeth...another chipped tooth! i'm fulfilling the american dream of being full of rotten teeth...or is that the british dream?

i did not go to church today. i'm trying to arrange a way of getting there that doesn't involve a 5 hour round trip journey.

alrighty, i'm going to catch up on Eureka while i investigate volunteering for Pets without Parents, write up BIG BOLD affirmation signs to paste around the house, and finish some other little projects.
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