Aug 15, 2008 10:26
Summer was fairly normal, as normal goes. Moved in, got kids into summer camps that worked out well. DH and I chose a gym. Work was fine. Polyamorism tabled for now. DH is scared shit-less by the very notion, so I'm rudderless on that right now.
No vacations planned due to DH wanting to keep the mountain house still. I'm working on that... things are too tight for my comfort. I can't afford to get furniture I've been wanting forever. That kind of thing pisses me off, because we could afford it but for the 2nd house thing. But so it goes.
My kitties are the sweetest little beasts since we moved. They must love this new place. We put in a small area outside that is completely fenced for them to play in, and to sometimes stay in during the day. Otherwise they stay in their room in the basement during the day, as we haven't been able to break Norbert of his table/counter climbing, plant chewing, and Hermione barfs occasionally, and scratches furniture and has been most reluctant to have her nails trimmed lately. But she's gotten so cuddly and tolerates being petted almost anywhere on her body, whereas when she first came here, she would swat hands on her back or butt. This weekend, she laid her head on my dad's leg.
I'm in between Math classes right now - turned in my grades for Summer and Fall won't start for another week or so. I'm strongly considering going back to school myself in the Winter/Spring, for a Geographic Information Systems Post-Grad Certificate, maybe another Master's. Would make me even more prized at my job and it's fun. And the company would actually help with tuition, which is nice as I'd be going to Penn State, online, probably. Not super-expensive, but not super-cheap, either.
My kids are loving their new school. The added resources are obvious to even my kids and they love it - 2 teachers each for music, art and PE. When they get settled in more, we'll check into other school-related activities, but often those don't start until 4th grade. I'm impatiently waiting for the rec center to put out their Fall schedule so I can get the girls set up for ballet/tap and gymnastics. R is loving the Olympic gymnasts and swimmers. She may want to do both... we'll try to get each girl into 2 sports, since H wants to do ballet and tap, that's her 2. But I'd also like to have them start piano lessons... when I get the piano moved down. That's one of 2 large things left to move. The other is the fish tank and we are actually just going to set up a new one, smaller, down here and just move the fish and plants, then sell the tank. My eyes were too big when I got that one. But I put an auto-feeder on it and they are fine for now. We check weekly, add water, etc and they are doing great, apparently.
I don't miss living in the mtns, except for the cooler nights. This townhome is bloody HOT upstairs, even with the A/C. We are conserving energy and not setting the A/C below 75, which is comfy for the main floor, but not up in the bedrooms, it's much warmer than that. Planning on getting an attic fan. We have a new fridge already, and have new oven, dishwasher and microwave in teh garage, waiting to be installed next month, along with a new counter - since getting the new dishwasher in will ruin the old counter. DH also wants a trash compactor. We are recycling so much these days, though, that our trash level is low.
Work is piling up on me, though, and I'm terribly stressed out right now. Libido is ZERO and I'm a snarly bitch. Deadlines are mostly next Friday, so hopefully it will ease up after that. I have been getting to the gym at least twice a week, aiming for 3 times. DH is riding his bike to/from work and is looking quite the stud, yummmmm.
Spiritually, nothing. Disconnected. Bad, but I haven't the energy/time to fix it right now. It's somewhat integrated into my everyday, but even that has fallen away. I'm sure I'll have some surge of spiritual desire and dive back in at some point, but right now, treading water.
Sister is all moved in with her boyfriend and has basically withdrawn from me. Hurts, but so it goes. What also hurts is that my dad has selected her for learning his business and cut me out. I'm still tech support for his computer issues, but any other help I've offered has been turned away saying she has expressed interest in learning that. Even programming stuff. I've been doing this 20+ years and now he's going to send her to an Excel class so she can do it for him. I don't know how I'll react when what she writes doesn't work and she wants me to fix it for her. sigh. It hurts a lot that he's chosen her. I'd prefer he just sold the business and force my sister to carry her own weight, like I've been doing for all this time. But he's always had some kind of feeling that he had to help her... Just let it go, if I don't, it'll eat at me.
I can't believe I haven't posted here in so many months. I've been blogging heavily in my sex blog, but it's time to talk about other stuff.