Apr 11, 2008 09:45
My arthritis is still painful enough that I have to wear sensible shoes. I'm beginning to despise sensible shoes. I went out with an old friend a couple of weeks ago and we both have to wear sensible shoes and we both were looking at all the cute, sexy shoes other women were sporting. Not just younger women, either... and I was envious. I can't slip on my old pumps anymore - it hurts just to put them on, much less stand up in them. And to walk? Be gracefully sexy? hahahaha. Snowball's chance in Hades.
But then I began to wonder - ok, the arthritis has made my feet widen and the shoes were narrow because my feet were narrow. They are NOT narrow anymore. I wonder... sexy shoe come in wider/normal widths... surely I could find some shoes with a good width, low heel and add padding? Those gel pads, perhaps? Couldn't be sandals/open toe with the pads, but I always loved pumps.
Or I could just get the surgery. But I doubt I'll ever wear the killer 3 inchers again, let alone 2 inch... But I won't find anything if I don't look, so I'm going to go shoe shopping on Sunday. Never one of my favorite activities, but I want something other than bulky hiking shoes!