I was reading thru the paperwork/company directives that the HR bitch threw at me last week, searching for any foundation for her claim that telecommuting is a reward for low lost time. (Didn't find any, of course, that's BS) I came across a definition of Unstructured Telecommuting that requires no HR approval, no forms, simply a verbal agreement from the manager, followed up by an email or other casual documentation. NO HR NEEDED. Fuck her, I'm doing it. Talked to Larry and my 2 bosses on my current stuff, Larry's ready to write the memo to my HR bitch telling her to go jump. My immediate boss wasn't too thrilled about it, but knows I'm not beyond just leaving altogether. My up-line was cool with it, totally, and told me I should continue to transfer out of her department because HR Bitch would continue to have issues with it. That bites, but I'm glad she was honest.
So this Friday is an off-Friday and I may well do it at home. So there, HR Bitch. You give a bad rep to HR people and I'm going AROUND YOU YOU BITTER OLD WENCH.
Can't wait to get transferred so I can tell her exactly how rude she was. After... after.... grrrrr