Dec 23, 2007 08:48
{} [Real Life[ {}
Ugh. I woke up yesterday morning feeling like I was my spit. How...gross. x3 I ended up coughing this thick white stuff, and when I opened my mouth to see down my throat, I almost gagged...I had fucking white pus spots on my tonsils! T.T Disgusting. So after being at work for 2-3 hours, my mother, an RN, took one look, freaked, and ordered Ethan to take me to Urgent Care/The ER. I was there for fucking nearly THREE HOURS. @.@ It was lame. I had a few nurses thinking it was strep throat, but when they tested it for it, the test came out negative. So they had to draw blood. *faint* I was negative for mono as well. So I was left in my little room, alone, sipping on apple juice and listening to Christmas music. Finally thee Doctor comes back in and says, "I am sorry, but we can't let you leave for awhile?" Of course, I was confused. If I was fine, why couldn't I? Apparently, my heart rate was 120, way above normal. I didn't even realize it. So they ordered me to drink alot of water and apple juice FAST. I got freaked, and tried, but my swollen throat wouldnt let me. ;.; nurse comes in, saying they had to put an IV in me. I felt myself go pale...I hate needles. =/ Ethan came in and held my hand. But after she stuck the IV in my right arm, I was told I was hypervenalating, which created a horrid burning/tingling sensation in my entire arm. Even when she took it out, it stayed like for that a few minutes. My arm became so heavy that I couldn't lift it. Then they stuck me in the other arm. @.@ I was crying a bit, though not really noticible.
So, after that, they turned the IV on fucking hyperspeed. It felt awkward, and though kind of facsinating at the same time. I was just starting to calm down, when in walks my mother and Edward. I was like...oh, great. e.e I can understand why they would want to check up on me, I'm the only kid to be in the hospital for an 'illness.' And there I was, being fed fluid because I was so dehydrated, I wouldn't bleed. >.o They talked with me and Ethan for awhile. I was drained. The doctors gave me 4 pills of steroids and 2 really strong tylenol. Doesn't seem like alot, but I just never take medication. It hit me pretty hard. I was still weak, but my throat was feeling better. <3; Having Ethan there soothed me a bit, but still...I felt lame, haha. Finally, my IV was done but we had to leave it in for awhile...because the doctor hadn't made it to me yet. But GOD I had to peeee. ;.; Never in my life has it been that bad, rofl. Sooo my momma unhooked my IV from the little metal stand and handed it to me. "Here, go." I was like...oh. @.@ Weird. But I was about ready to explode. So I grab it and go. I do what I needed to do, and on my way back, I look down...and see my blood running back through the IV tubing. Which isn't good. ;.; Ed said something about it and it freaked me out. Finally it was taken out and we got to fucking leaveee. <3 Oh, but guess what...They couldnt figure out what was wrong with me. >:/ Bastards.
We had to go to CVS next to pick up my medication. My momma came and loaded us up with it, water and stuff. Suddenly she goes all mushy on me and starts hugging me, whispering that she was there if I needed her, that she'd take care of me...and if I was feeling ill again, to come home. So we leave, Ethan and I go eat so I could take my meds, and then we head home. Thank god, I needed a we did. x3 Then we made love and it was wonderful. I can finally have sex without crying in pain. :D Improvement! Haha...
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, Ethan and I are going to my parents' house to open presents, then we're off to work. =/ I wonder what I got? I never ask for :x
Last night, Ethan and I were snuggled into bed, having one of our talks. Of course, haha....but marriage was a huge concept of it, and I am still sort of confused with myself. I understand for Ethan. He's almost 24, he wants a comfortable home life. I am 17, still young and should be dating around to find my perfect guy. But I found him and refuse to look elsewhere, despite what others might think. I dont care if I'm being told I am rushing. I love him. All that matters.
{} [Pack Life] {}
I told everyone that Dagda and I would make up. It just takes a few days. No matter how much we fight, I will never love her any less. <3 She's my sister, through and through. Sooo there. *huffs.*
NightRain is doing really well. I'm proud of those who stuck with me. Especially DarkFang, LunarSong and MoonKissed. :3 Lurves them all! I'm content with my pack, despite what SOME people say. I dont give a shit about numbers. All that I care about it the bonds and luff. <3