Nov 30, 2006 20:05
I think most of you know that I just got our of the hospital again recently.
Nine days after I had Hannah I had a gallbladder attack that was so bad I thought I might have been having a heart attack. I had Joe call an ambulance. It was a good thing that I did, because my blood pressure was very high by the time they got here.
I had them take me to St. Pat's. I had a UTI, a rotting gallbladder, pancreatitis, and they were concerned about a blood clot in my lungs. Thankfully they were wrong about the blood clot, but right unfortunately, about about everything else.
I was admitted and surgery was decided almost immediately. My sister came and got Hannah from us at the hospital, Dillon was at camp, and stayed at my house with her for the week I was in the hospital.
They started me on IV antibiotics and fluids to get me well enough for surgery. It took them about 5 days. I was in another 2 days after surgery.
They had to start a new IV on me almost everyday that I was in there because the meds they had me on were that hard on my veins. It was blowing through them about every 24 hours. I had to have the IV for meds and food. I didn't eat for the week I was in there. That was also part of helping me heal up for surgery, giving all of my digestive parts a rest.
Add to that that every morning they woke me up by drawing blood to see if I was well enough for surgery, and I look like a junkie. My hands and arms are full of knots and lumps and bruises and are still very sore.
I went in Saturday and they did the surgery Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. It went well. I was under for about 40 minutes I guess. I was lucky in that respect at least.
I killed me to be away from Hannah and my family for that long. That was the worst part. It was what kept me going and got me through it all. I knew it was what I had to do to get home to Hannah, so I took it all and got it over with.
I cried Thanksgiving because I wasn't well enough to go home. Joe was able to come visit me a little that day. He had had to go back to work. He had missed all of the work they would let him when I got home from having the baby. It killed us all. It was the last place he wanted to be.
My mother stayed with me before the surgery and my dad stayed with me after the surgery. That was hard to, being that I don't get along overly well with either of them.
It was just onem ore reason for me to push myself and get home. My last IV went badaround 4am Friday morning. I wouldn't let them start me another one. I insisted on going home. They gave me what pain meds they could, but they were long gone and they couldn't give me more after the doctor came unless I wanted to stay another 4 hours.
No thanks! That was one painful as fuck ride home let me tell you. I had meds at home thankfully for my pelvis, so I took them when I walked in the door and got cleaned up.
It's been a week since my surgery and everything seems to be healing ok. My pelvis hurts more than my incisions really. The one under my sternum hurts the most though because of the muscles involved in that area, so it's still pretty hard for me to move around without hurting. And of course I'm running out of pain meds. I only take them about 3 times a day, when I literally can't stand it any longer.
I'm still restricted on what I can lift and how much I can move for about another 2 weeks. It's making it hard to take care of Hannah, but it's not like I have a load of choice. My sis had to go back to work, and Joe is on a turnaround no less, working 7/12's, Dillon is at school all day, plus she still makes him nervous, he's scared he will hurt her, so there is no help to be had. I'm doing my best though.
My dad has offered, but only if it doesn't interfer with his card games and church going. My nerves could not take his kind of help. Bless him, but it's just not worth it.
My mother came for a few days, but she had a trip planned this weekend, so she staged a fight between us so she could leave with a clear conscience. She accused me of accusing her of something I have beeter since than to accuse her of. I knew it would start a fight, so I would never tell her she was a pillhead, truth that it is, but that's what she accused me calling her, so she left yesterday.
My sis had to leave work early to come sit with Hannah and I had to drive myself to my post surgery appointment to get my staples out and stuff. At least I was able to, though I'm not sure how. I guess you just do what you have to do.
So me and my mom are not talking again. As I see it, she essentially abandoned Hannah. I know she did it to get to me, but that's not how it worked out or how I see it. Hannah's the one who would have to pay if I was even slightly less able to take care of her, not me. That's a bitch if you ask me. To leave a 3 week old in the care of someone who still needs care themselves.
I better be careful what I say though huh, I wouldn't want my stepdad to come slap me again.
So I am managing, if just barely. My house is a wreck, but it is finally the least of my worries. I apologize in advance to anyone who should have to see it.
I usually sleep when she sleeps, so we eat, get cleaned up, rest, and sleep. That's about it. Joe fixs bottles for the next day for me when he gets in from work. Other than that, not much else gets touched. No one has the time or energy really.
I leave the phone on DND from around 10 or so at night til around noon or so the next day. I sleep as much as she lets me during that time. In the afternoon and evenings I try to rememeber to take it off DND and return a call or 2 as I have time and feel up to it.
Needless to say, I still have so much going on that I'm still not the most social. It's been one fucking hell of a 3 weeks. I was still no where near being over giving birth and now this ugh. I sure the fuck hope this was it though. I think I'll go insane if anything else happens. I need a damn break huh sheesh.
Well, I need to go clean up all of my wounds and such while Hannah naps, so I guess that's about it. I hope everyone else is doing ok.
Talk to you all later.