A concerned Wife, Mother, Friend, and Amtgarder

Jun 06, 2005 17:36

How close things had come to peace and quiet for so long. I had almost forgotten that there were people out there who loved to start mess simply because there is none. Unfortunately, I can be pulled into a childish game such as this when I feel it is my duty to defend myself and those I care about. I do NOT stand idly by when me and mine are attacked. Whether others feel it is my place or not; I MAKE IT MY PLACE!

I have quite enjoyed the lack of BS and drama in my life the park can sometimes cause. It has been SO nice to go over to friends' houses and not have them SO stressed about a GAME and feeling the need to vent over it the entire time I am there. It brings joy to my heart to see my friends and family able to have fun again largely due to the blissful lack of BS and drama out at the park.

No whining over Amtgard, no complaining about Amtgard, no trivial BS started by drama queens of Amtgard, no harassment over Amtgard, no headaches over Amtgard, no lost sleep over Amtgard, no guilt over Amtgard, no stress due to Amtgard...just families having fun with AND without Amtgard, as appropriate, AND LOVING IT!

And now to take an elephant gun to what I perceive as the "400lb Troll" attacking my friends and family:

I do not nor do I care to keep up with the petty BS that goes on out at the park, so if I have some incorrect facts in this area, I apologize, but I will not let this go by unattended.

It was my observation, I am rather good at this when I choose to be, the park started to go down the moment it was divided into...fighting companies are they called? I noticed that one in particular chose to single itself out and not involve itself with the rest of the park for most of the time that everyone was there. They were also VERY RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL about holding up things such as court. I got the impression that some of them felt themselves above such things as respecting others. Sounds like a personal problem to me, or someone too immature to have learned real-world manners and appropriate social skills. If you did not learn these things as a child, do not blame your parents. Most of us are of an age to be held accountable for our OWN actions at this stage in life.

I am also not directing this to ALL members of all fighting companies at CM, but I think you know who you are. If not, this is simply further proof of your lack of maturity and your ability to deal with real life or utilize such skills as self-evaluation and self-improvement where faults are found. This shows a lack of desire to become a better person as should be the goal of all socially adapted individuals. To lack this desire demonstrates a self-centered nature, among other undesirable traits, and places such individuals on a maturity level of roughly a 12 year old. It is this inability of a child this age to consider others and their feelings that is one of the key traits of this age group.

Also, such phrases as, "playing and living the dream" further demonstrates the 12 year old's thought processes. The word "playing" implies the acknowledgment of a discussion about a game of some sort. However, to say in the same phrase, "living THE dream" implies the importance placed on said game as having far more importance than someone over the age of 12 would place on something like playing games. Unless one is REASONABLY seeking a career in professional sports, placing this much importance on a game further demonstrates a lack of maturity and ability to deal with the real world on an adult level.

To show enthusiasm for one's hobbies is normal. To have a desire to be part of a team is only human. To want to see positive things accomplished through one's efforts is normal. However, to place so much importance on such hobbies, especially when they do not positively affect one's income when one is of an age to have adult responsibilities such as a family, is simply not healthy. It shows a need to escape from these responsibilities.

Mental, physical, and emotional escape tactics are normal at times and to a degree. Adults need to forget their cares and worries and just have fun from time to time. This is healthy and expected. However, when such cares and worries are cast aside for "playing and living" for games, this is a problem. Further more, to expect others to share in this fantasy TO THIS SAME DEGREE, demonstrates a lack of consideration and understanding of adults and adult feelings and issues, which also exemplifies the 12 year old's level of self-centeredness and lack of understanding of others and their lives.

To have the audacity to dictate what is considered excusable and inexcusable for ones lack of enthusiasm and/or presence at a GAME/HOBBY function is just too much to stomach. Will such audatious individuals then begin to dictate what work is excusable?! Would it only be work that you get paid for, or would one be allowed, for example, to work on "clearing up" a plot of land that they have purchased on which to build a home for their family? Would one be allowed to take a Sunday, being one of their only days off from their real jobs, to do some yard work just because it needs doing, or would this too be considered inexcusable?

Why does it have to be "family trouble?" Are you so fixated on drama and BS and problems that only "family trouble" is excusable? What if one simply wanted to take the family to the beach or the zoo on one of their only days off for the week rather than going to play a game that day, (or as the unhealthy and obsessed see it, rather than to go pay homage at the temple of Amtgard?) Would quality time spent with the family rather than "trouble" time spent with the family be seen as punishable in the eyes of the obsessed? I would fear for my children's safety to play a game with one so enthralled and obsessed with a game. I would not want this obsessive nature to influence my children. It is simply not healthy. Enthusiasm and team spirit is one thing, but a dictatorship over a game is quite another.

...and if the officers jump off of a bridge will the populace do this as well? What Lemmings! I hardly feel that they world of Amtgard will come to and end when the officers miss a Sunday for this or that reason. Perhaps to the individuals that are obsessed with the fantasy and can't think for themselves without their King or Queen, but for the rest of the adults, I think they will manage just fine. If these lost fanatics need a leader, I'm sure the rest of adults at the park can take up the slack for the absent officers.

To verbally abuse adults for missing Amtgard due to illness is quite possibly the epitome of immaturity. Choosing a game over ones health can have some rather dire consequences, though it would take an adult to note this.

Virtually any illness can have negative complications without proper care. We will take Strepp as the example as it has already been mentioned. First and foremost, Strepp is HIGHLY contagious. Bringing an illness such as this to the park shows FURTHER disregard and disrespect for your teammates and their families. If I personally knew that someone came to the park knowing they had Strepp and my son, who already has chronic illnesses to deal with such as severe environment allergeries and asthma, contracted Strepp from said individual, I personally would likely be driven to a physical act of violence against this offensive individual. If I, in my feminine nature, was unable to take care of said offensive individual myself, I have no doubt that there would members of the masculine persuasion that could see justice done to my satisfaction, for I am a tigress when it comes to the defense of my cubs.

Furthermore, if Strepp where contracted by the bread-winners of these families, this would cause them to miss work, denying their families of much needed income. Left untreated hospitalization could also result causing not only more missed work but additional expense and strain on said family. In the extreme, a result of improper care of Strepp can even result in death, though one should use common sense and take proper care and precautions with ANY illness.

I would have to consider an individual who chose Amtgard over their health and family, and ignored the consequences of their actions, to be an immature, inconsiderate, irresponsible, disrespectful, uncaring ASS! Again I would not want this influence around children. This is SUPPOSED to be a FAMILY event after all!

And it is just like a child to ONLY complain and fuss and whine, taking no steps of their own to resolve any of the things that they see as problems. It is much easier to do nothing, to run ones mouth, to be irresponsible and then to pester an adult into fixing it, than it is to take any initiative themselves. You just have to love "finger-pointers" and those who love to "pass the buck" and place responsibility that they can't handle themselves, into the hands of others and then proceed to complain about what is and isn't being done to their satisfaction.

Have their been mistakes made, jobs unfinished, and problems left unresolved? Yes. However, you will have this no matter where you go when you get a large group of people together that have other responsibilities that should come before ANY GAME short of some professional sport being their only income.

Are people being told that they do not have the right to state their grievances? Of course not! Free speech does still exist when last I checked. However, such blanket statement as I have read here are very uncalled for. There are such things as "constructive criticism" and "addressing your issues with the appropriate individual." You offend far fewer people this way, keeping harmony as a whole, within the group. You will also find that leaders will do more and go farther out of their way to see this harmony maintained if it is addressed in a constructive way and on an individual basis rather than to place blame where it is not deserved, destroying the harmony within the group as a whole, as such statements offend even those not directly attacked.

All this accomplishes essentially, is to create an overall atmosphere of disruption and disgruntlement within the group as a whole causing everyone to lose enthusiasm for the game thus perpetuating the problem. This would be the conscious or subconscious goal of an individual that needs drama and attention to feel important. So for the selfish, their goal has been achieved, leaving others to suffer and try to clean up the mess causing VERY undue stress.

If you don't like the job being done, don't vote for the candidates or run your damn self!!! This would be assuming responsibility which is something complainers won't do. They then have nothing and no one to blame or complain about but themselves, and the self-centered and ego-centric parish at the thought of being wrong or having any faults. Plus, this robs them of the chance to bring attention to themselves and giving themselves false self-confidence by having no one to belittle but themselves.

Hmm, the concept of politely asking or requesting things also escapes many children. How often does a parent have to remind them to say, "Please?" Perhaps their would be people who would be more than happy to bring water or make extra weapons and the like were they to be asked in a polite and constructive manner. I know of few people who take kindly to being berated and belittled, then ordered to do a task. It inspire NO enthusiasm, teamwork, or loyalty within me, and I'm certain I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Essentially, learn to play well with others or you will find yourself playing alone. Learn to talk to others in a respectful and considerate manner or people will not listen. Ask, don't belittle and demand. Learn to be understanding of others thoughts and feelings, or expect no understanding or consideration for your own. Be kind. You attract more bees with honey. These things apply to life as well as Amtgard Not learning and practicing these things can lead to a very lonely, depressing existence in the long run and throughout life.

Do I sound like I speak from experience? Perhaps I do, but I am mature enough to be willing and able to learn these lessons and learn them well. To put them to good use and to be a happier person for having done so.

Simply put, grow up or go play with yourself!

A concerned Wife, Mother, Friend, and Amtgarder
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