Something unexpected happened last night while I was chatting with
marurun. The power went out. No, not the computer’s power, the whole streets electrical power suddenly died. It turns out that the electrical company here was doing some routine checks so they decided to cut off the power for a while. It was by 10 am that they turned the power back on. I want to apologize for suddenly leaving him on YM, but there was really nothing I could do. Sorry ‘bout that man.
I just realized that since my computer is now faster and better, I could now play my other PC games that I couldn’t before because of low computer requirements. One of these was Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich. Also, Neverwinter Nights now plays smoothly and faster. Before, it looked liked the characters were always in slow motion and game always hangs during the big battles. The computer’s sounds are also better than before, so is the visuals. This is gonna make my gaming experience better. Think I’ll play NWN again. Hee.
Additional News:
whitewulfe just added me as his LJ Friend! YAY! Thanks. A new Friend!