i think that my time's fleeting

Feb 12, 2010 23:57

- Lisa's leaving dinner/night out on Wednesday was AMAZING. I had so much fun, seriously, it was awesome. Banter and good times all round! More details and pictures to come later ;-).

- I had a really weird dream after coming home that night, which involved Irish!Michael from work, Joe Armstrong, and Ian Watkins from LostProphets. I can't even really remember what it was about, but I think some of it involved a play...it was very odd.

- So, my group and I ended up doing our Creative Writing presentation unexpectedly on Wednesday in the tutorial. There was a bit of a kerfuffle with the groups that were meant to present originally, in that half of the people didn't turn up, so after some initial confusion and discussion with our tutor, we just said we'd go for it. We figured we might as well, since we were as prepared as we possibly could be for a presentation that's so trivial and unimportant, though that didn't stop me from being nervous anyway. Stupid nerves! I started trembling and getting shaky even before we'd gone up to the front of the class, but my tutor said my voice was clear and they could make me out well, so that's something, at least. Urgh, I hate talking in front of people. I don't really know what to make of it all and I still think it was a bit of a mess, but it's only worth 10% so I don't care too much, and I'm just glad it's over with, to be honest!

- Our rota for work this week wasn't emailed out for some stupid reason or another, so I had to check my hours when I went in this evening to watch Invictus (which was great, by the way). It turns out I'm on an open tomorrow, which is no fun as it's an 8:30am start. I'm really tired and since I'll be up super-early in the morning, I think I'm gonna go to sleep now. Kinda sucks because I wanted to watch new episodes of SPN and The Vampire Diaries, but that'll have to wait, blargh.

- I have two small spots/patches of discolouration on my big toe, which are painful whenever pressure is applied to them. I went down to the chemist to show Selma (my old boss there) and ask her if she thought it was something to worry about, but she seems to think it should just go away by itself. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda getting sick of waking up with weird marks on my body that I can't really explain! If it gets worse, I'm to go to my doctor, but hopefully it won't come to that. My stupid sister made me paranoid about those marks on my arm the other day (which you'll know about if you saw the picture), and joked that I might have meningitis :-S. The thought hadn't even occurred to me but I totally freaked, and it led to me googling and reading up on the symptoms. I don't think I do have it, but all this random stuff that keeps happening to me is annoying anyway!

That's about it, I gotta sleeeeeeeeeeeeep. Have a good weekend everyone, catch you later!

dreams, health, work, university, friends

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