I don't know if I have many other V watchers on my list, but I'm going to do this post anyway, because I just finished catching up with it last night, and wanted to get my random thoughts out.
I remember when I first heard of the concept of the show, and saw the promos for it, I thought that it could easily sway between being quite good, or quite ridiculous, but I'm glad to say that it's actually pretty awesome! I've really, really enjoyed the 4 episodes that have aired so far, I'm quite looking forward to when the show returns at the end of the month. Especially with the way the last episode ended!
Jaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Oh man, he better be okay! I know we all saw that coming, and just knew the random guy in the church didn't mean anything good, but still, I'd really been hoping nothing bad would happen to him. So much for that :-(. I really like him though, and I know it's early days, but he's possibly one of my favourites, so I really want him to be alive and stick around for a lot longer. And I know this is a bit weird, but I kinda ship him with Erica. And yes, I KNOW he's a priest *headsmack* I don't know what's wrong with me, but they shouldn't be so damned shippable, it's not my fault! :-P
Anyway, I love that the show has kept the viewers on their toes since the pilot, and how they keep the audience hooked with little reveals and mysteries here and there - one of the things I think really worked with the pilot was that we were instantly introduced to the idea of the resistance, and things were set in motion with the Vs obvious true agenda (though we don't know what that is yet). I love the idea of the 5th Column, and finding out that Joshua (and others on board the mothership) is secretly a traitor was so awesome! Sucked ass when he had to skin his friend though, that was pretty sad. But I wonder what his role is, and why he's so important - is he the elusive and legendary John May? I can't wait to find out, and to see him join forces with the resistance team down on Earth, that'll be great. One of my favourite bits also was when Ryan, Georgie, Erica and Jack all met together as a group for the first time. It's small, but they're already making a difference, what with blowing up the vaccines that the Vs tainted.
As for Tyler, I actually really couldn't care less about his thing with Lisa, because there doesn't seem to be anything substantial to it at all - he clearly just has the hots for her because she's pretty, and he's on the outs with his mum so clearly he's going to rebel by doing exactly what she doesn't want him to do. Though I don't think she helps her case any, by ignoring him when he actually DOES want to talk to her. I wonder what the inevitable fallout will bring when she finds out how involved with the Vs he really is. I am actually quite intrigued by what Anna wants with him, and why Lisa keeps saying she thinks Tyler is "the one" - for what, exactly? It can't be anything good.
Speaking of Anna, I thought it was really interesting that we got to see only a bit of how ruthless she can be, when she ordered Joshua to skin the "traitor". She presents this completely calm, almost ethereal front to the humans, and she always harps on about peace, so it's easy to fall into the trap of believing her, but it's obvious she has a whole other agenda, and that she's probably very dangerous. I'm looking forward to finding out more about her, and the whole "bliss" thing which apparently she uses to control/brainwash her fellow aliens.
Yeah, I'm very much enjoying this so far, and even though there's only been 4 episodes, I'm engaged already. I can't wait to watch more! If you're fans of sci-fi, this is definitely worth checking out.