Delivered Una's scroll this last weekend at Ursulmas in exchange for the original Promissory she had received as Killian ni Iain Macfarland after making a stop by Duke Thorin's home for the last signature (not pictured because the photos were taken before I left home). Please see the Scrapbook for details on the photos as the current version of LiveJournal doesn't post them with the pictures.
Inspired by the British Library’s Robert de lisle Psalter Part 2 Origin England, S.E. (London) c. 1310. Gothic script. Manuscript dimensions approximately 33cm X 22cm (miniature area 29cm X 19cm).
Arundel 83 f. 134v carpet page seated Royalty and angels
Arundel 83 f.127r calligraphy exemplar and use of rectangular areas
Arundel 83 f.129r personifications of the four cardinal virtues, Prudence (holding bird and serpent), Justice (with balance and scales), Fortitude (sword and shield), and Temperance (cup and torch).
Usage of birds - Úna was chatelaine at time of recognition, nurturing newly hatched birds.
Rectangles were used to contain two separate areas - one for the heraldry, one for the herald and kingdom seals.
Execution: Raised gilding on lead-based gesso. Holbein gouache paint. Arches HP 140lb paper
Text: Be it known throughout the lands of the sable lion that We, Thorin by right of arms king of An Tir and Angharad Our most noble queen have harkened to the words of Our people and so would recognize one who rises to her tasks fair as a star in the night, but whose example of service shines forth like the sun in its glory. Therefore, We take pleasure Úna inghen uí Gairbhíne to advance and commend you with an Award of Arms and declare that you shall bear these arms from this day hence: Per bend sable and vert, a griffin couchant argent. In witness whereof We set Our hand and affix Our seal this twenty first day of July anno societatis XXV. Being required by Their Majesties to make a search of the records in the registers and the records of my office for the aforementioned gentle I do find that she may lawfully bear the arms herein mentioned in witness whereof I, Black Lion Herald set my hand and seal.