Jan 02, 2007 20:12
So, New Year's has come and gone. It was very entertaining. Since that's the point of LJ, let me tell you about mine.
New Year's Eve I got up early and went shooting with Anne, Jay, Scott, Jack, and Chad. Mootsie and Scott didn't come, and I didn't call Frank or Nick until too late, so that was my bad, and Dustin showed up late, due to tardiness in calling on Jay's part. But it was fun, and it's always great to break out my FiveSeven and PS90 with people who can appreciate them. Jay took a good picture of Anne macking my PS90.
Afterwords, we went over to Scott's place and played role-playing games. I was concerned about doing this rather than going over to Travis's place super-early and making sure everything was set up, but Travis helped out by saying that he and Stacy would take care of the majority of that if I was willing to pick up the tab for all the purchases. I agreed, and played with my friends for a while. We packed up way earlier than usual, and I started heading to the party. While en route, I started getting lots of calls from people who were also en route, and having trouble finding it. Apparently, the house was not particularly well-marked, and the number scheme skips house numbers out there, making it hard to home in on it. Sadly, I had forgotten about the reindeer made out of white lights that would have made an excellent landmark. But I was stuck buying more alcohol along the way, and helping Erich get there, so with those stops, some people made it there before me. Actually, lots of people.
Once there, the fun started, and there was some really good sober Guitar Hero 2 action, in which I got to show off a little. Finally, all that GH pays off in a party setting. *snicker* Marti and Elvis and Marti's friend Anthony came by. Marti was already pretty buzzed, and opened the stocking of presents I forgot to give her last time I was over giving her presents. Then they all went out to another party with Nate and Neko-folk, that I hear was a good time.
Back at Travis's pad, I started drinking a little, and people kept offering toasts. To get out of the house for a bit, I accepted an invitation to $10 buy-in poker. I was pretty proud of myself, being just shy of $30 by ten 'till Midnight. We went inside, popped the cork on three bottles of bubbly, and all counted down to the New Year in the kitchen at the tops of our lungs. I got clinked with about a dozen people and kept being told, "wait don't drink" until someone else could clink. Once that glass of bubbly was down (along with a shotgunned Samuel Adams, which I totally didn't drink as fast as Jessie 'cause I stopped for air) I got my New Year's kiss. Poor Mootsie. I refuse to talk about that anymore.
Then there were toasts. I drank a number of toasts with various people, some of whom I don't know their names. Then, to wash away the taste of man-lips, amongst other reasons, I collected a number of kisses from the fairer sex. On the verge of either collapsing or turning into an orgy, the party as a whole collapsed in on itself and sober people took drunk people home, drunk people with no intention of leaving played Wii Sports until falling asleep, and sober people with no intention of leaving found air mattresses at their disposal. It was at this time I found out what happened to that poker game. I lost while not present, due to letting someone else play my hands. Oh well.
*mental note* - I suck at Guitar Hero 2 once I'm totally crashed out drunk.
The next morning was about what you would expect. In a half-drunken stupor in which my mind failed to work at quite the speed I'm accustomed to, I crawled off of an uncomfortable couch around 7:15 a.m. and then crawled out of an uncomfortable bathroom around 8:00 a.m. and then got off the uncomfortable floor around 9:00 a.m. and finally found comfort on a large lazy chair with footrest. I want to marry that chair. I was eventually joined by Jessie and Drew and we enjoyed a lazy cuddly morning that eventually had some Pokemon and Soul Caliber in it. At a quarter past noon I remembered that I had to get to Danny's place around noon to play video games. I believe the more astute amongst you will understand that quandary. To speak honestly, I really was reminded by someone thoughtfully calling a cell phone present in the building.
Lacking my cell phone (I left it outside, and someone took it home for me) and lacking anyone else to take Jessie home, I dropped her off, and got home in record time, we're talking getting there before I really left the house fast. Laws of physics were broken. Shower, shave, and run to Danny's, and Chad had been nice enough to take my computer over. Very kind. So I spent a half hour hooking it up, avoiding bright lights and glaring down all the man-on-man love jokes and jibes at my current state of well-being. Between five hours of what can barely be called slumber and the copious amounts of alcohol consumed, I did very well at the games we played, and enjoyed myself very much. I do have such a penchant for shooting first and then screaming "Stop, we're Police!" This is another time-based puzzle, you see. Regina fixed us a meal fit for a king, and we dined off of it buffet style all night long, and still had enough at the end to feed four people all day. Spending time with friends and family right after spending an evening with friends and alcohol was a great time. Eventually, I retired to home, and set up my computer to start downloading the new Might and Magic game, which Jack talked me into buying over Steam, and which I had purchased for Danny for his birthday while kinda wanting it myself. But you can't buy yourself stuff just prior to Christmas. It's a rule.
After a while, Anne and Jessie dropped by, and they watched the Kamelot concert DVD that Chad got for New Year's (he doesn't do Christmas, he opens all his presents at the New Year's.) I went down after watching a bit of Dennis Miller stand-up, and watched some to see what all the fuss is about. I was gonna just watch one song and go off to bed, but it was really really good. These guys know how to rock the stage like no-ones business, and I watched the bass player eat his own soul for about two hours. This was music of a caliber that I'm not used to hearing on such mundane devices as stereos and FM Tuners. I was very impressed, is what I'm trying to say. So I kept making myself move my arms, move my legs, anything to stay awake to enjoy more. Sadly, Kalypso eventually settled on me, and not wanting to move the purring, warm lump of love, I stopped, and promptly snored softly during some of the music. Strangely, petting a cat is not a wakeful endeavor. Upon waking, I watched the end, moved my kitty, and went upstairs into the waiting arms of anesthesia.
new years