What a day it has been.

Dec 11, 2008 00:44

Nightmares of being an android with a death sentence in Cuba result in sleeping through part of my mandatory class, then I embarrass myself once I finally stumble in, then spend the rest of the afternoon trying not to be ill. In the end I decided to stay at home during the evening because with luck like this I was liable to get run over by a mad London driver while en route to the grad club.

And somehow just before midnight the rest of Somewhere I Have Never Travelled, Gladly Beyond hits me so hard that I can only type frantically for the next hour.

But now I face an unexpected problem:

How do you know when the work in progress that you've poured the sum of two years of your experiences into is finally finished? How do you call it done and finally release it?

This is much more difficult than I'd thought! Did I say everything I wanted to say? What gets cut in the final edit and what gets kept? What if everyone hates it? How do you let go of something you've worked on for so long, something that's always in the back of your mind even if you're not actively writing?

So fellow fanfic enthusiasts, tell me how you did it. How did you part with your long-running fics? Maybe it's just this crazy day talking, but this is surprisingly difficult.

Okay. Sleep now. Class tomorrow. Then proofreading for real when I'm not feeling so insane.


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