I have so many mixed feelings and emotions right now.
Im worried about the next 4 years and what they will bring. I dont believe Bush is Satan and Im not going to go kill a republican because I understand (or think I understand) why most of America reelected Bush. Maybe not. I dont agree and its slightly scary to me, but...hes in office and nothing can change that. It was a clear win.
Im grateful that Kerry accepted it with dignity and didnt drag in any drama. Im so glad he left us with that impression of him. Im sorry now that I didnt really support his cause but the cause against Bush.
But what bothers me the most is the apathy I see in most teenagers. No one fucking cares!! Yeah I have some friends who are hurting and are outraged but in the end its like...Most people dont even care, they didnt like either of them. I feel thats more a stab to the American Ideals then anything else. How can we ever get anywhere with people feeling this way?
And I guess Im too emotionally involved and too passionate and it scares people. I dont want people to go have riots or anything I would never expect that. But shouldnt people care? Only 17% of people in our age group showed up...17%!! and this election was sooo big and it had the biggest turn out rate ever. And yet...we still didnt feel it was important enough...I know there are plenty of special circumstances that would surround this to explain it but still. I understand all to well if you didnt like either candidate, and so it didnt matter who won. You should still make an effort to recognize the difference between the two and not disregard those who do care. I know Im being emotional because of stuff that happened today at lunch and Im trying super hard to be openminded. This is no personal attack and Im sorry if I offended you.
Im just sick of having to defend myself all the fucking time. And in the end thats what it comes down to. To every liberal I need to prove Im an informed liberal and am not just a balking idiot, and to every conservative I need to prove that I can support my ideas thoroughly in a debate while maintaining an openmind at all times and to those who dont care I have to edit what I say so Im not too overbearing or oppressive or passionate. So sick of it all.
In the end Im just sad about the whole thing I guess. I cried some last night. But there are so many emotions running wild for so many reasons that its difficult for me to articulate them in a clean fashion...
Well the next 4 years with Bush has begun but our lives just continue.