Aug 14, 2009 06:26
Every summer vacation, if I don't have something time-consuming and difficult to do, I start quietly decomposing. The last two summers I was looking after autistic kids, but this summer I was languishing in Korea, crawling out of my room for meals. I've been a bit busier this week, feel much better, and regret neglecting my journal, since I only keep this thing to remind myself what happens in my insignificant life and help me think things through. Such as that there are lots of things to do in Korea to keep depression at bay. Ah, well.
Since my last post, I have:
-Graduated high school! With a satisfying final rank of 13th.
-Landed in the emergency room! Turns out I'm ALLERGIC TO CATS. I cannot describe how disappointing this is. I had names picked out for future cats--Marjorie would be all aloof and haughty, and Wanda would be friendly and cuddly but only up to a point and would wack Severin (the future dog) in the nose if he got too slobbery. Farewell, my darling future cats. The hypothetical Rin (short for Severin, since Sev is Snape) will miss you.
-Moved to Korea! I'm in a rather awesome hotel right now, but there's an apartment in the process of being furnished.
-And this new apartment is so awesome! It has a panorama view of the Han River. Since there is a spare room and we're a bunch of bookworm hoarders, we've made a library. Before now we've had bookcases and stacks of teetering books all around the house, but they will now be all focused in one room. I can totally and legitimately tell people that my house has a library. So cool.
-Met my roommates! Only on Facebook, but they seem nice. One is a Georgian art student, and the other is a Chinese physics major. And seeing as I'm a Korean-Texan pre-med, we shall make an interesting group.
-Shopped my brains out, reluctantly. I had a resolution that I wouldn't conform to Korean standards of appearance and waste money, but my aunt opened a clothing shop and we feel obligated to buy stuff in cash, and this morning my mother strongarmed me into a magic perm. Mmp.
I will permanently move to the new apartment tomorrow, do lots of OCD cleaning, and start packing for college!