Weekend rambling

Jul 17, 2010 11:11

Since work currently owns my soul and overtime leaves me completely unmotivated to write entries, you're going to get a ramble about various things that occured to me/caught my interest/whatever over the week.  Much of it is old news by now to most of you, I'm assuming.  Oh, well.

- Let's start of with some Real Life, before I go fangirly.  I'm desperately trying to put together a diet/excercise program that fits with the fact that I don't want to spend $100 a week on health food and don't often have the time or energy for strenuous excercise.  Any suggestions?  I try looking around online, but I get an amazing amount of contradictory health information.  Yeah, that helps.

- I've decided that in two weeks, I am going to buy my ticket for Gallifrey One 2011.  I had a hell of a time this year, and I want to go again.  And this time, Peter Davison will be there.  Well, he'd better be.

- Now for some squee: I ORDERED MY ELEVEN DOCTORS SET!  I'm sooo thrilled about this.  I have several Doctors already, but there are a lot that I'm missing, and the chance to get them in one fell swoop - at a price that's reasonable when you consider how much the Doctors cost individually - makes me want to do the Happy Dance.  Now, if Eleven would just come with the blue shirt and bowtie, and not the red, which I already have, that would make me happier.  But, hey, I'm getting Eight, and he's the one I'm really looking forward to.  My first Doctor, finally!

- Speaking of Eleven, what's up with the rumors that we may only get one more series of not just Eleven, but NuWho in general?  I was under the impression that Matt Smith had signed up for three seasons, but everyone's picking up on a rumor that he's doing two and then he's out, to move on to better things, like Hollywood (which I hope they mean figuratively, not literally - Matt Smith just isn't well known enough to do well in Hollywood.  They have a tendency to re-use actors even when they're long past their sell-by date *coughTomCruisecough*)  And I'm just not ready to lose another Doctor again.  I don't see myself crying when Eleven regenerates, but I'd be sad.  And just a litte alarmed by just how close the number Twelve is to that final Thirteen...

- As for Doctors in movies, there have been some interesting rumors flying around lately.  Edward Norton being dropped as the Hulk started up a flurry of rumors about his replacement for the Avengers film and, among the possible replacements is David Tennant.  Now, I don't see this as being too likely, especially since I heard the same day that Mark Ruffalo is practically a lock, but it's still fun to consider.  Another contender for the role was Nathan Fillion, who I'd already heard was rumored to be up for Ant Man.  Now, I know this is all very unlikely, but I keep trying to imagine a movie with David Tennant, Nathan Fillion, and Robert Downey, Jr that's directed by Joss Whedon, and my brain explodes.

- And another Doctor has popped up in movie rumors: Sylvester McCoy has been reported to have been cast as Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit (another role David Tennant was rumored to be up for.)  How awesome would it be to actually go to a movie theater in the US and see Seven on screen?  *insert fangirl squee here*

- In fan fic writing news, I've decided to go for my Doctor Who/Iron Man (movieverse) crossover story that works in The Art of Destruction and Extremis.  It's just too tempting to put the Doctor and Tony Stark together, and I've already worked out the continuity.  I've even ordered some IM graphic novels as 'research'  (my favorite kind) so I hope to have something starting next month.

And that's about it.  Huh.  I sometimes wish my life had more time for things beyond online fangeekiness.  I really need to get to a convention or something!

gallifrey one, fandom: doctor who, actor: peter davison, diet is 'die' with a 't', actor: david tennant, real life, actor: nathan fillion, actor: matt smith, fandom: iron man, actor: sylvester mccoy, geek power, fan fics, actor: robert downey jr, excercising my thinner demons

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