Weekly Ramblings

Oct 31, 2009 14:09

I haven’t had time to do as much as I would’ve liked; I had a crummy week and my computer has been acting up worse than ever. It doesn’t even like to access e-mail at the moment, choosing instead to get as far as my inbox and then refusing to let me click on anything to let me see what’s actually in my inbox. Ahem… anyway, I was hoping to have a lot of cool Halloween-themed things to say, but, nope. Most of it Doctor Who-related. I think we can all guess what’s been on my mind lately, especially since the fandom’s about to kick back into high gear.  I was going to ramble on about 'The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith,' but I think I'll wait until next week, after watching it again this weekend.

-First of all, a fic rec. Well, two, actually. They aren’t Halloween stories, but the subject matter is appropriate. They both take place in Nolan’s Batman universe, and are by the same author. The first, I think I’ve recced before: Can't Get You Out Of My Head and The Secrets Of Scary People by J-Horror Girl At first glance, they might seem to be just another of the nauseating glut of fics in which a villainous character falls in love with a Mary Sue (either an all sweetness and light character or a totally emo one) who changes him for the better (or is corrupted, but not usually in any interesting way.) But the OCs are well-developed, interesting, and very supernatural. And the author actually knows how to write, which is always a plus. Both stories are influenced by Japanese horror, a genre that blends well with the dark Batman universe. The plots are well thought out, unpredictable, and suspenseful.

The real pleasure of reading these stories is the knowledge and love the author has for her subject matter. She clearly knows a lot about Japanese culture, history, and horror, and I learn a lot whenever she updates. It makes me want to set a Doctor Who story in a haunted, historical Japan.

-Aaaaand, since we’re on the subject of Japan and Doctor Who, this fascinating little animation has been making the rounds. I’m not sure who made it or why, but I would love to see something like this    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqR8A8ecKWo      . The Third Doctor kicking ass with Venusian Aikido! Armies of Daleks! And, knowing anime, there would be epic catastrophes and companions dressed in sailor girl school uniforms! I’d like to see all of the Doctors appear in something like this; Ten, in particular, seems well suited to it. Think about it; anime/manga guys tend to be tall, extremely skinny, with angular features, big eyes, and spiky hair.

Speaking of manga, this isn’t Who-related, but doesn’t this look like it could be a Tenth Doctor/Simm!Master yaoi? I love the Japanese…   

-The 30th anniversary of the film Alien is this year. To celebrate, one channel had a marathon, and I sat back and enjoyed all the chest-bursting, alien-attacking hopelessness of it all. It really is a very grim series, isn’t it? And I had completely forgotten that Paul McGann was in Alien 3 - in fact, I didn’t even recognize him at first without hair. I have a thing for hair; to see an actor I like suddenly deprived of it kinda freaks me out. Afterward, it made me think of a thread in a forum I’d found awhile ago, about the connection between the Alien franchise and Doctor Who, and I searched for it and found it here. It’s actually quite surprising, what the two franchises have shared. And I’m now trying very hard to tell myself that, no, the Time Lords did not battle the aliens in the Time War and that no, there aren’t regenerating aliens and a chest-burster is not how the Eighth Doctor died. My imagination is far too active.

-I decided that I wanted to see Matt Smith in action before we see him as the Doctor. Unfortunately, I’m in the US, and finding shows and movies from other countries is next to impossible (Whyever would we want to, when there’s just so much ‘quality entertainment’ here? *rolls eyes*) After much searching to see what was available, I found season one of Billie Piper’s Secret Diary of a Call Girl at the local video place.

Huh. It’s not really enough to get a feel for Smith’s acting abilities, since the character’s bland and was meant to be, but now I find I can easily imagine a Rose/Eleven pairing. Whether I want to or not. I’ve also noticed some camera angles flatter him. Some most definitely do not.

And it’s nice to know that, between this and those David Tennant photos from ‘What the Butler Saw’, the next time I read a fic with a smutty Ten/Rose scene, it’ll be anatomically correct. *twitch* Hoorah for vivid imaginations and images forever burned into the brain… It probably doesn’t help that I decided that since I paid the money to rent the whole series, and it was only eight half-hour episodes, I’d watch it all. I now know things about prostitution (albeit glamorous prostitution) than I ever wanted to know.

halloween, fandom: doctor who, manga, holidays, crap computer is crap, actor: matt smith, fandom: batman, actor: billie piper, fan fics

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