(no subject)

Dec 23, 2005 06:13

So, an update.

Got married. Could go on and on about the details, but ya'll were invited, so... maybe you'll see pictures and video someday. There is simply more to write than I care to. But a good time had by all, ultimately though, I was disappointed with the reception. The food we ordered was NOT the food we ordered. The cake tasted good, but was serioulsy lacking... say, a fuckin' layer or two! And a flavor or two. And it was NOT decorated the way I had asked it to be. It was quite clear that our caterer, who we had boasted about, must have been overbooked, and we got the shaft. I don't care to have any money back, I just want an apology. Hell, some of the people at the reception didn't even get to eat--including my own mother! Anyway. It's over.

The honeymoon was fabulous. Savannah was as beautiful as ever, and I do say I enjoyed it so very much. Got to see Adam and meet his girlfriend Lisa. She's terribly cool. I find it appropriate that Adam and Lisa found each other; verra good matches, at least for what I saw. Lots of drinking (liquor laws allow alcohol publicly anywhere in the city, as long as it is in a plastic to-go cup!), a little rooftop tokin', quite a bit of walking, and tons of fattening food. OHMFUG. The Lady and Sons, owned by the south's own Paula Deen, needs to feed me everyday. I love southern food. The beach was fabulous. Many pictures were taken. Tybee Island was a fuckin' ghost town, and no wonder, it was cold for late October. I told Jeremy he needs to see it at its prime. We decided us three couples need to rent one of those little rental units for a week, go drinking and be beach bums. But that will never happen, cause Stacey is pregnant.

Speaking of which, Stacey, one of my bridesmaids and a good friend, is pregnant. They are reported to be having a little girl, although I would bet otherwise. No matter, I think she's been hamming up the whole pregnancy thing. Part of me feels she's sort of.... a lump, anyway. She never has the drive or energy (pre-pregnancy, mind you) to do anything. She never wants to do anything that Davey, Jeremy, and myself might find interesting, therefore, if Stacey doesn't do it, then Davey won't, and then it's not quite the same if Jeremy and me are trying to do something with the four of us. She's so concerned about her home, which is fine and all, but its the basement of Davey's parents' house, so exactly how much cleaning they do down there is subjective (or rather, how much they really need to do). So, you couple the laziness and general disinterest in EVERYTHING (seriously, the girl has NO hobbies) with the exhaustion and mood swings of pregnancy, and you've got 9 months of walking on egg shells. And they are on public aid. Thus, I move to my next rant:

PUBLIC AID: assistance to those who need it for the time they need it; not permanent benefits.

So I have a decent job, right? Full time, decent pay, a long way to drive, but 100% free benefits. FREE BENEFITS. Now, let's back up a little bit.

Back in July, Davey (Stacey's husband, if you have been following along and got lost) lost his great job. It was in a factory, but he too had free benefits (and excellent pay). Free family benefits. And he was fired, so it's not like he could have stayed if he wanted to. It was also decided beforehand that Stacey was going to stop taking her pill not long after Davey lost his job. So if you make the connection, Stacey stopped taking her pill AFTER they knew Davey, and she, would no longer have benefits of any kind. They still made the conscious choice to create life. So what did they do?

They went on public aid. That's right, folks! We are all paying for the birth of Davey and Stacey's child! We are also paying for their milk, some food, doctor's visits, etc. Stacey works 2 jobs, equaling I think a typical 40 hrs/wk. Davey, on the other hand, still has no job, and really, there is no reason for it. Okay, fast forward.

Stacey was one day complaining about how she makes little money and how they're strapped, etc. I told Stacey that I thought my company was still hiring, and it was a bad-ass situation! She could easily be hired, make good money, good hours, great benefits. And what did she say? "Oh, well, I already have Public Aid." Yes, I'll give you a moment to let THAT sink in, because I certainly needed to. ... I mean, what are they thinking? I love them dearly. What are they thinking? I, personally, have better standards for myself. Babies one day, yes, but I'll pay my own way, thank you. Unless I am alone and completely out of options, sure, I'd use Public Aid, that is what its there for. But I would work even more to find some self-earned assistance and leave Public Aid in the dust. I am just so conflicted cause I just want to beat them both.

Jeremy and I have been interested in getting more involved in the preservation of Granite City's history. It's only $25.00 a year for a family membership, and you can give the tours at the Six Mile Museum! And I'm all the fuck over that. And we thought that Davey and Stacey might be interested. But of course, Stacey squashed any possible new interests because they said they would be 'too busy with the new baby'. Are they going to have, even in its smallest, a life outside the baby? It is their baby, yes, important and deserving of attention and love, etc. But c'mon, guys. If you don't want to do it, don't blame it on the baby (really, that was Stacey saying that). Stacey can't seem to do much by herself; she can't go out with me without talking to Davey, literally, 4 or 5 times in just a few hour period. Hell, Davey has called to check on us when we walked from my house to Mr. Twist! Anyone who knows where my house is in comparison to Mr. Twist will know that it is literally less than 1 block away, a 3 minute walk. Seriously. No exaggeration. It's sort of nice, having the guys concerned about us women, but on the other hand, I will be fine on my own, wherever I am... in the ghetto, or on my front porch. And then you've got Stacey, who doesn't want Davey to do anything without her, whether or not she even wants to go, or CAN go. Davey, Jeremy, and I went to Beyond Timbuktu in Edwardsville one day when it was warmer, and I suggested having lunch outside at Laurie's, which is right next door. Stacey was at work. So, after lunch, Stacey calls Dave to see what he's doing, and she was upset that he had gone. She was upset because he went without her, no shit. Davey even said so.

So on one hand, you've got Stacey who doesn't want to do anything without Davey or vice versa, but then Davey fascilitates the situation by constantly checking up on Stacey. I don't know, fuck it, it's just frustrating because if Stacey and I had ever met each other, say, in high school... sure, she's very nice, but I would have never been good friends with her. Simply because of our personalities. My consideration of what a 'friend' is, and hers are different. Our very natures, I am confident and she is not, would have made it doomed from the start. We are different--no better, no worse, but different. And that's just it.

Okay, bitch rant over.

So, I work long hours now, and so does Jeremy. And the cats are fine. Very freaky. Captain Kitten, Cosmo, and our newest baby, Cinder. He's almost a year, but still a few months away for that. And the phat cat is chasing his shadow on the floor, hee hee. Weirdo.

Okay, I'm hungry and tired, and up way too early.

I certainly haven't forgotten any of my people. I'm just tired and busy as hell, trying to gain some energy and some time.

Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkuh, or just enjoy the festivities this time of year.
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