It's going to be a Loki movie. Why? Because Loki's going to steal all the scenes (he pretty much goes after everything Thor has anyway, even his RL audience; Loki is just that much of a
Magnificent Bastard) . I just know film-Loki won't be as magnificent as Straczynski's Loki, but I'm hoping the script writers and the director actually get Loki. He's such a complex, brilliant character, that he's going to steal the entire movie if he's done half-way right. And of course, the amount of fanfiction for Loki will go up considerably as he's the sort of character everyone loves, but especially the fanfic community. For those who don't know, Loki's list of MB style accomplishments:
- Succeeded in bringing about Ragnarok
- Has been single-handedly responsible for the creation of more superhero/villains than any other single character in the MU. If you want superpowers, just go hang around him in the middle of fight. Seriously.
- Tricked Thor into bringing him back after Ragnarok
- Hijacked the body of his arch-rival's wife and posed as her for a freaking year before the good guys figured it out. Meanwhile said wife's spirit got stuck in a cancer patient. Ouch.
- Future Loki orchestrated the death of his own abusive father in the past to rescue his past self. How's that for self-help?
- Regularly plays some of the more powerful villains and heroes in the MU like a fiddle
- Hobnobs with the likes of Mephisto
- Hel, goddess of the underworld, is his daughter
You know what? Let's just rename the movie "Loki screws with everyone and (almost) gets away with it".