Meanwhile, back on the plot bunny ranch

Jul 23, 2010 12:29

Alright. I'm going to bitch here about some fanfiction that should exist but doesn't. I'm also going to point out how sick I am of stupid, lazy crack fic crap because I'm sick of seeing people settle for this garbage. Try to write something balanced and somewhat respectful of canon. As far as I'm concerned, if the majority of your stories aren't at least 5000 words, I'm generally not going to bother reading your work. Maybe you're trying before the idea has properly developed, I don't know, but vomiting drivels is horribly annoying to readers. Sure there's are some good dribbles, but most just smack of laziness.

Now on to the plot bunny parts:

Dissidia - why aren't there more serious Dissidia fics? I mean, SquEnix just handed fans everywhere a giant crossover cannon pass and 2/3 of what's being written is crappy, crack fics. It makes me sad.
  1. Why so few fics where each universe is related to at least one other? example: Kuja as a Terra clone with the planet Terra as FF6's future ruined world. Or Ultimecia as JENOVA (am I the only who's noticed Altima looks frighteningly like JENOVA?) or as Emperor's daughter. Or something else.
  2. Where the hell are the Emperor fics? This is a guy who bumped off FF's Satan and rules the underworld while conspiring to take over heaven and earth. I mean, what more do you want in villain? He's a perfect James Bond "magnificent Bastard" type complete with Jareth's smashing looks (and he's a fairy to boot). The tarot inspiration for Emperor is pretty blatant, and he's got a huge dose of anti-Faust (he really does beat the devil, unlike Faust). Fleurs Du Mal should be his freaking theme song. I would also kill to see him explored as something besides pure evil. Show me the Asian honorable demon trope here, since that translates as a European fairy trope. Who is Mateus? Does he have a family? Associates? What is his life like? What trauma drove him to the point of being the way he is?
  3. WoL: He is NOT boring, in fact he's one of the more interesting heroes. He's a freaking light elemental stuck in human form. He's alien. He's Garland/Chaos/Satan's other half. He's LUCIFER for crying out loud. Oh, sure, they don't actually say it in canon but, it's pretty damn obvious. Just think about what that means for a minute...
  4. Kuja still isn't getting enough respect from writers. Infact, they seem to be going out of their way to avoid him or reduce him to a gay joke (which is ironic since he's more masculine than Emperor even with a manicure, thong, and makeup). Everyone who knows me knows I think Kuja/Emperor friendship, sexual or not, is pretty likely given their temperaments. They complete each other in a way. Kuja is not a weeping fem, and I suppose Dissidia is to blame for making him act like an abused child (well, he is an abused child). Still, I wish more fans really like him well enough that his dialogue doesn't scare them off. There's a whole Harlow's monkey thing going on with Kuja that I think folks are totally missing.
Kingdom Hearts - As if Dissidia wasn't enough of a pass we also have KH fanfiction, which suffers from and overdose of teeny-bop plot syndrome. Let me blunt, no one cares about Sora; he's a Marty-Stu character. Riku was interesting because he was flawed. The Organization was interesting because, however ridiculous they were, they had issues (and some made good villains). I am old enough I do not care about high school angst. Period. Given the fact most in depth reviewers still lurking on are older, chances are you'll only get "OMG I LURV YOUR STORY!" reviews with a high school based /teen angst fic. Also, high school fics open the door to Sue-dom by potentially encouraging you to place yourself in the story and making it into narcissistic wish-fulfillment. Tread carefully here.
  1. Xemnas wants hearts. So Dissidia is basically a big freakin' smorgasbord of god-like hearts. We really, really should be seeing these two 'verses crossover. There's all kinds of ways this idea could go.
  2. More Jung. Really, you can pour it on thick in KH.
  3. Get away from the emo. Seriously, KH isn't the place for it.
Labyrinth - I'm disappointed in the lack of Jareth centric fics that truly explore him lately. Jareth is the perfect Gaiman fairy, and writers could go a lot more Sandman with him, but too many get stuck Mary-Sueing Sarah in some romance. I think everyone needs to remember how Morpheus' romance (Sandman) turned out. I really feel like the majority of these writers need to stop for a bit and read some dark, authentic fairy tales or psychology books before attempting to write on a Sarah/Jareth romance. Read something heavier before you try to write Jareth and remember he's old. Really, really old.

On OCs
I have read OC's I love, but this is the exception rather than the rule. Use of an OC should be extremely limited in fanfiction unless it's there to provide something the story needs that canon does not support. Always remeber, fanfiction is about the canon characters, not your OC. A good OC can complement and enhance the character, while a bad OC can detract from canon characters.

plot bunnies, ff, fanfiction, ideas, dissidia, crack, labyrinth, kingdom hearts

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