LJ cut!

Jan 09, 2010 23:30

Icon meme:
Leave me a comment with "Sadly, no cookies" as the subject. I will pick six of your icons and send you to your LJ to spaz over them.

fivethreerin picked mine ( ^^)b

Smiling Spitfire is my default icon. Spitfire is my favourite character in Air Gear, and is probably the reason why I stopped just before that particular chapter and haven't touched it since. It's a happy icon! Happy icons make me happy ^^

Chibi Tamaki is my meme icon. Because he wants attention and he's flailing and it looks like he's yelling "ME! ME! ME!". (meme, geddit?) And it's cute. And bratty!happy.

Doctor Who icon from /tarot_challenge. This is the Bad Wolf Corporation logo from which the recurrent "Bad Wolf" phrase comes. Hmm I have no idea how to describe this...
According to Wiki, The Hierophant is the builder of the bridge between deity and humanity. The High Priest. The All-Seeing. As the Bad Wolf Corporation was on Satellite Five.

Badass!Kakashi is badass. My bad mood and anti-social icon. (other bad mood icon being scowly!Agito)

Tenth Doctor! Geek glasses! Sonic screwdriver! What is there not to love about this icon! I was on a Tennant roll when I added this icon (and those 3 others). Most any post with computer/game/other geek-related stuff will have this icon.

I realised I didn't have a Yunho icon. And the awesome dreaminthepast made some. And the geek glasses!
The "mae" in the background is part of the background. I thought it was cute. So it's become my "meh" mood icon. ("mae" & "meh" sound close enough alike) I don't think I use this icon enough.


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