Nothing coherent today

Dec 30, 2008 13:26

Glad everyone on the flist had a good Xmas~~~ My Xmas eve was spent helping out at our extended family gathering/dinner thing. After which Brother and I grabbed 2 cousins back to play Starcraft. Followed by more Starcraft on Xmas day itself. Ah, this is how I like my Xmas.

Stuff before and after Xmas: EOY was ...meh. Unless there was much awesome inside the hall itself. TDA was ...okay. 99% of the stuff for sale was lolita or gothic.

Anyways, I didn't need Auction Ticket to email me about 37구역의 기억.

I'm in a particularly nostalgic mood today. Watched Wizard of Oz and would have watched Firestarter, if my phone hadn't squawked about how hungry it was. So music today will be old songs.

I miss people.

movie, life, suju, gaming

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